Do you read The Prudent Homemaker? She has a weekly series called “Last Week’s Frugal Accomplishments” and it is awesome and inspiring. The comments are great too! I’ve wanted to make an effort to notice and record my own frugal accomplishments and July seemed like the right month to start.
+ We added a ton of brown matter to the compost pile and that seems to have helped with the unwanted animals problem.
+ I passed on a big box of P’s outgrown clothing to another mama on Trash Nothing.
+ We recreated a few “fancy” Home Chef meals, using the recipes cards we received back when we got the boxes.
+ I opened all of the windows first thing in the morning to let the cool air in and went as long as we could stand before turning on the A/C.
+ We started brainstorming and researching ways to reduce our cell phone and Internet bills.
+ I watched a lot of Poshmark/re-selling videos on YouTube. They’re like business development courses for free! So helpful.
+ I mended three small holes in the knitting on Sophie’s Cuddle + Kind bunny.
+ I also mended a pair of my black pants where the stitching was starting to come undone. A two minute fix and they’re good as new.
+ I made a homemade weed killer using this recipe.
+ I cut the little boys’ hair at home.
+ I easily fixed the wheel on my Ikea cart after thinking it was broken for a year. Face palm. Now it rolls like a dream!
+ I redecorated our side entryway by using things we already own. I splurged on a new houseplant for $10.
+ We bought a new dishwasher during the Fourth of July sale, saving us $150.
+ I stuck to my list on Amazon Prime Day and then resisted temptation by staying off of social media and not reading blog posts for the rest of the day. No impulse shopping for the blissfully unaware, although I was tempted!
I Love this!! Adding to my weekly around here posts! Not only is it inspiring but has me feeling proud of the ways we already live frugally in small ways and how we can increase our intention to keep doing so!! Thank you for the share of her vlog – following now!
I'm so glad it's as inspiring to you as it is to me! I love reading through the comments on her blog because there are so many little tips that I think, "Hey, I could do that!"
Josh bought me a Roomba on Amazon Prime Days, and although I thought I could not love him more, I actually do. 😉 Less chores?? Yes please! I love you so much. #besthusbandever Hahah!
I love the idea of celebrating the ways you're living frugally. So smart & inspiring!
What a thoughtful husband! We were just joking the other night that we should have named Lucy "Roomba" because she cleans my floors better than I do, hah! Crumbs are never a problem with this dog around!