This is my sixth year doing 100 Little Things and I still love it just as much as the first time!
Thoughts on Round Five:
The final number was 36 tasks accomplished. That sounds like a failure of a year, but it’s really not! Looking back over the list, it almost feels like a time capsule: I was in love with baking sourdough bread. I had just come back from helping my cousin with her new baby and had thoughts of becoming a postpartum doula someday. I was considering getting “gazelle intense” with our finances, but also had grand home improvement plans. I had not even signed onto Poshmark yet. People grow and priorities change. What matters most to me is that I allowed myself to dream about 100 things, even if many of them didn’t happen.
Thoughts going into Round Six:
I tried to focus on the goal of noticing (my one little word for 2019) this time around, especially taking care of the things we already own, taking care of myself physically and spiritually, and taking care of the people in our community. Other sections include home improvement projects, reading, blogging, debt reduction, and Poshmark.
Here’s my list for August 2019 – July 2020:
1. Buy a spice organizer
2. Find something to organize the potatoes in the pantry
3. Find something to organize the onions in the pantry
4. Deep clean the oven
5. Clean the Dutch oven
6. Powerwash the siding
7. Clean the grout in the kitchen
8. Clean the grout in the master bathroom
9. Paint the second-floor shutters
10. Finish the front landscaping
11. Clean the carpets
12. Buy kitchen curtains
13. Get a hanging plant for the master bathroom
14. Hang a boxwood wreath
15. Find a slipcover for the living room chair
16. Organize the emergency closet
17. Make a framed chalkboard
18. Hang a hammock
19. Make my own laundry detergent
20. Mend a piece of clothing
21. Make a quilt
22. Complete a December Daily album
23. Make a photo album with our wedding photos
24. Knit a hat with a Knifty Knitter
25. Learn a new card game
26. Start a milk glass candlestick collection
27. Add another vintage globe to my collection
28. Buy a new couch
29. Find a free piano
30. Replace the American flag
31. Hang a porch swing
32. Plant ferns by the front door
33. Plant lemongrass for the back porch
34. Line the porch steps with potted plants
35. Plant bulbs in the fall
36. Name our farm
37. Hang a mason bee house
38. Build raised garden beds
39. Get chickens
40. Participate in a CSA
41. Buy a deep freezer
42. Invest in half a cow
43. Finish the little boys’ headboards
44. Have family photographs taken
45. Potty train P
46. Reach the halfway point in the Amerithon Challenge
47. Run a 5K with M
48. Run a 10K
49. Bake a pie
50. Make root beer floats
51. Get my sourdough starter going again
52. Go apple picking
53. Help place Christmas wreaths at Quantico National Cemetery
54. Take the kids to the beach
55. Watch the local Christmas parade
56. Visit the Virginia Safari Park
57. Make DIY geodes
58. Make homemade playdough
59. Get a haircut
60. Do 90 days of no sugar
61. Go to the eye doctor
62. Order new glasses
63. Get a yearly physical
64. Attend a holy hour at least three times
65. Pray a novena
66. Make a rosary
67. Finish the Into the Depth of Catholicism Reading Challenge
68. Learn how to make a cross from a palm branch
69. Roll beeswax Advent candles
70. Make three new kinds of Christmas cookies
72. Start a traveling book club
73. Add Christmas books to my Homeschool Resource page
74. Leave a thoughtful comment on 50 posts
75. Complete a full year of “extraordinary ordinary” posts
76. Start a Little Free Library
77. Send someone flowers
78. Donate food to the food pantry
79. Send Christmas cards
80. Support three etsy shops
81. Support three Teachers Pay Teachers shops
82. Donate to the local pregnancy center
83. Donate tiny going home outfits to Grant’s Gifts
84. Thank the mailman
85. Thank the trash guys
86. Thank the workers at the dump
87. Pay off the car
88. Pay off three student loans
89. Read a nature-inspired nonfiction book
90. Read Where the Mountain Meets the Moon as a read aloud
91. Get to at least the halfway point in my 20th Century in Books challenge
92. Read something by Wendell Berry
93. Read There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather
94. Read at least one picture book to the little ones a day
95. Read The 15:17 to Paris
96. Join a book club
97. Take a self defense course
98. Upgrade my Poshmark photography setup
99. Buy a steamer
100. Make $5,000 in sales
omigosh. so so good! I love so many of these (obviously getting chickens is my favorite one! From our recent experience, I would suggest only getting hens, if there is a breeder that can ensure it the better! We have three roosters and I loathe them. We are looking for a way to get rid of them!)
read There's No Such Things as Bad Weather! Yes – let's chat after!
take a self-defense class! amazing!!
all your porch ideas have me hearty eye emoji because I love porches so much (the swing!! the ferns! the plants up the steps!) and I have big dreams of roofed porches in our future.
I love it!! Always inspiring <3
I'm sure I'll have a million questions for you re: chickens! And you aren't the only person who has told me to skip the roosters, hah! They seem like more nuisance than help.
I have a feeling you'll do great with these! Now, I want to bake christmas cookies too
I loooooove Christmas cookies. Only four more months to wait, ha!
Love this; the idea in general ~ and your list in particular.
This is INSPIRING, girl!!! I can't wait as you take us along on your "100 little things" journey this year!