“I sincerely believe that for the child, and for the parent seeking to guide him, it is not half so important to know as to feel when introducing a young child to the natural world. If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. The years of early childhood are the time to prepare the soil.”
-Rachel Carson, A Sense of Wonder
- give myself a lot of grace as we start school and find a new routine
- make a football practice/game survival bag to keep in the car
- call and dispute a bill that we have already paid
- schedule eye exams for M and D
- buy a “soap saver” from someone on etsy
- look for lavender sachets on etsy too
- start buying birthday presents for S and TJ
- buy birthday wrapping paper
- transition Lucy to adult dog food
- get my sourdough starter up and running again (100LT #51)
- deep clean the oven (100LT #4)
- try to sell bar stools from the old house (that have been collecting dust here for two years) on Facebook Marketplace
- find sneakers for Sophie
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
stick to “the plan”(I’ve walked every morning, been 95% dairy-free, and in bed and sleep by 10PM every night – still working on the supplements and water)buy the last necessary school supplies: pencils, computer paper, inkorganize the school room(all ready to go!)- start peeking around for fall clothes for the kids
- find sneakers for Sophie
take inventory of the pantry and use up/replace as neededmake a batch of homemade taco seasoning(I used this recipe – too easy)- read an ARC due for Netgalley (almost done – full review coming at the end of the month)
read a few chapters in My Life in France- mend two shirts with small holes (1/2, and I even added a few more to my mending basket)
work on listing all remaining inventory for Poshmark(I worked hard to get my closet ready for fall/winter, so hoping I see sales coming in soon)share my 100 Little Things list for 2019-2020(find it here!)
I have to say- the cooler weather we've had this week spooked me a little, as I haven't given anyone's fall clothes a thought yet!