“A children’s story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children’s story in the slightest.”
― C.S. Lewis
- do some research to see if I can find a local Civil War reenactment
- embroider Sophie’s name onto her new lab coat (one of her birthday gifts!)
- make a running list of needed fall/winter clothes
- schedule eye exams for M and D
- call for a consultation with Invisible Fence (the previous owners installed one on the property, but we have no idea where it is)
- go apple picking
- make apple butter
- make blueberry freezer jam
- preorder supplies for December Daily
- list a few new things on Poshmark
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
- give myself a lot of grace as we start school and find a new routine (um, no – the first two weeks of school were crazy and I was way too hard on myself)
make a football practice/game survival bag to keep in the car(I filled a bag with a blanket and art supplies, but the general consensus from the little ones was that I didn’t have nearly enough snacks, ha!)call and dispute a bill that we have already paid- schedule eye exams for M and D (totally forgot to do this!)
buy a “soap saver” from someone on etsy(I got this one)- look for lavender sachets on etsy too
start buying birthday presents for S and TJ(all purchased and most are even wrapped!)buy birthday wrapping paper- transition Lucy to adult dog food (on day 8 of 10)
get my sourdough starter up and running again(so happy to have this back in our diet)- deep clean the oven (100LT #4)
try to sell bar stools from the old house (that have been collecting dust here for two years) on Facebook Marketplace(they sold in less than 24 hours, so happy!)- find sneakers for Sophie
I think the Cedar Creek reenactment is supposed to be good if that's not too far from you!
I'll look it up, thanks!