“I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift,
that gift would be curiosity.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt
- use up the zucchini in the freezer (make bread?)
- schedule eye exams for M and D
- call for a consultation with Invisible Fence
- start buying birthday presents for D
- shop around for better car insurance
- buy batteries for the emergency closet (fun fact: September is National Preparedness Month)
- change the filter in the attic
- go at least 7 days without spending money
- redo Sophie’s phonics/reading plans to accommodate possible dyslexia
- make a reading reward chart
- replace our old American flag (100LT #30)
- start a decluttering challenge
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, be sure to click over to see what I checked off the list!
do some research to see if I can find a local Civil War reenactment(I found a semi-close one happening in October!)embroider Sophie’s name onto her new lab coat(one of her birthday gifts!)make a running list of needed fall/winter clothes(still need to buy socks, shoes and a few winter coats, but I made a good dent in the list)- schedule eye exams for M and D
- call for a consultation with Invisible Fence (the previous owners installed one on the property, but we have no idea where it is)
go apple picking- make apple butter
- make blueberry freezer jam
preorder supplies for December Daily(really excited to do this project again this year)list a few new things on Poshmark(added a delicate merino wool sweater, a like new Athleta tank, and a few skirts perfect for the upcoming season)
I love that quote at the top. So perfect!!!
If you decide to do some kind of decluttering challenge- let me know. I'd love to join you!!!