This is a new series for 2020 and I hope I can keep it up! If I record 20 things every week, I’ll have over 1,000 items by December 31. That’s a lot to be grateful for.
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kitchen dance parties by candlelight with the three little ones
our new pastor who was officially installed last Sunday
a bad day, which makes me appreciate the good ones
bright lime green moss found in a sea of brown leaves and grass
seeing life through S’s eyes in her Instax photos
the hawk that has taken a liking to our backyard and just sits on our playset, letting us observe him
six kids’ faces plastered to the window
how J picked a necklace for me from the prize box at CCD
getting my dental cleaning over with (and officially deciding to find a new dentist)
the smell of snow in the air
the perfect snowball consistency
a middle-of-the-week snow day (we got 4-5″)
four big kids who volunteer to shovel the driveway
five out of six kids who can dress themselves in snow gear
watching Lucy’s first experience with snow (she looooved it)
a book that will stay with me for a long time
my husband
a big sale on Poshmark
maple and brown sugar oatmeal sprinkled with frozen Maine blueberries on top
a successful first week back to school
Love this!
Kitchen dance parties and anything that has to do with snow are the best!
five out of six kids who can dress themselves in snow gear.
Oh mama- yes! I'm so happy for you!!
For the first time ever, I sent six kids (and a dog!) out to play and I sat in complete silence in the house and drank my coffee HOT. Such a surreal experience, ha!