A new series for 2020! If I record 20 things every week, I’ll have over 1,000 items by December 31.
That’s a lot to be grateful for. Affiliate links ahead!
Sophie’s treasure box of rocks from our backyard (and some Instax photos too)
listening to D teach J how to make pancakes
experiencing The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe again
an opportunity for Mark to meet and get to know other men in our parish
wild berry zinger tea
freshly made beds with clean sheets
how jiu jitsu is helping M’s confidence
the surprise of getting a stain out of a sweater I thought I had ruined
paying off another student loan!
pick up football games in the front yard
Lego creations all over the house
seeing the moon through the telescope
getting a walk in everyday
a new daily practice of physically writing out a verse of Scripture
the huge strides TJ has made in his speech
listening to P count to thirteen
when Lucy lays her head in my lap
surviving the first week of 90 days without sugar
the ritual of applying hand cream before I go to bed (Mark says I’m officially an old lady now)
falling into a deep sleep after a full day
These are all great; congratulations on paying a loan and let us know about you no sugar trimester!!!
Thank you! I needed the sugar detox after all of the Christmas treats, ha! Having it overlap with Lent will definitely keep me on track and I know I'll feel so much better in the long run.
I also started applying hand cream every night… it helps so much! I don’t care if this makes me an old lady!
Exactly! My hands are so dry and cracked this winter and the hand cream really helps. I'll wear the old lady title proudly, hah!
Clean sheets, for sure!
And congrats on another student loan paid off!!
I'm an old lady with you- it must be all the dishes we do that require we moisturize our beat up hands!!