A new series for 2020! If I record 20 things every week, I’ll have over 1,000 items by December 31.
That’s a lot to be grateful for.
the crumb of a well-risen loaf of homemade bread
when the sun comes out after days of cold rain
a big chunk paid off of our car loan
the ability to buy a new disposal when our old one completely died
the ability to buy a new disposal when our old one completely died
guitar music throughout the house
one year with Lucy
when P takes a much needed nap
one year with Lucy
when P takes a much needed nap
news of a brand new baby’s birth
a few sales on Poshmark and ebay
lemon lime sparkling water
tiny reading victories for my dyslexic learner
D’s interest in cooking (he made cornbread and macaroni & cheese this week)
my aunt
a new math book for a very excited 5-year-old
the selfless way Mark helped me knock off a handful of items on my to-do list
our safety when my GPS took us on unfamiliar back roads in the pitch black and pouring rain
surprise packages in the mail (thanks, Mom!)
hot showers
the wonderful people who read my little blog
Sophie’s excitement when she saw the denim jacket I found for her: “Oh, mama, I’m so excited! I saw some girls at church with a jacket like this and I really wanted one.”
So sweet about the denim jacket!
I love those pictures!!