A new series for 2020: if I record 20 things every week, I’ll have over 1,000 items by December 31.
That’s a lot to be grateful for.
two sales on ebay
having my family all under one roof
having my family all under one roof
how dedicated M’s jiu jitsu instructors are to their students, even when quarantined
working all together outside
that Mark chopped down one of our dead trees safely
the progress we’ve made on our garden plot
watching the daffodils that we planted last fall grow and start to bloom
brother piggy back rides
the progress we’ve made on our garden plot
watching the daffodils that we planted last fall grow and start to bloom
brother piggy back rides
our mail carriers who work so hard for us
our UPS man, “Mr. Bear”
our police officers who are keeping us safe
the small businesses in our community, who are being so creative in order to stay afloat
spontaneous library book choices that teach me something new
the amount of Masses that are live streaming on the Internet every day
our kitchen, which is in constant use
my bread machine, also in constant use
making snail mail for family with Sophia
small pockets of time all by myself
deep breaths in fresh air
our UPS man, “Mr. Bear”
our police officers who are keeping us safe
the small businesses in our community, who are being so creative in order to stay afloat
spontaneous library book choices that teach me something new
the amount of Masses that are live streaming on the Internet every day
our kitchen, which is in constant use
my bread machine, also in constant use
making snail mail for family with Sophia
small pockets of time all by myself
deep breaths in fresh air
I'm grateful for your blog!
And I'm grateful for YOU, Laura!