A new series for 2020: if I record 20 things every week, I’ll have over 1,000 items by December 31.
That’s a lot to be grateful for.
a new puzzle
the process of working with sourdough
embracing the weird wave of my hair au natural
ice cream after dinner
my baby sister
finally paying off the car loan in full!
listening to Mark read picture books to the little boys in funny accents
the rustle of the wind through the trees
ten days into my new project
clipping greenery from the yard to beautify my home
big chunky sweaters pulled back out of storage for this cold streak
sitting on the back deck with Mark
grilled chicken salads
watching the boys’ stop motion animation videos
hours and hours of playing outside
finding tiny violets and buttercups in the yard
when P says “Hi Mum” every time I come in the room
getting on the treadmill again after a long break
when J excitedly shares all about the book he’s reading
slow mornings
embracing the weird wave of my hair au natural
ice cream after dinner
my baby sister
finally paying off the car loan in full!
listening to Mark read picture books to the little boys in funny accents
the rustle of the wind through the trees
ten days into my new project
clipping greenery from the yard to beautify my home
big chunky sweaters pulled back out of storage for this cold streak
sitting on the back deck with Mark
grilled chicken salads
watching the boys’ stop motion animation videos
hours and hours of playing outside
finding tiny violets and buttercups in the yard
when P says “Hi Mum” every time I come in the room
getting on the treadmill again after a long break
when J excitedly shares all about the book he’s reading
slow mornings
I love this list. Makes me hopeful for the days that I can focus better on these perfect little moments. I feel like in a tornado of exhaustion with these newborn feedings and nights. Thank you for the reminder to note the tiny pockets of joy throughout the day!
Been there and totally understand that deep, deep exhaustion! You're doing great mama! XO
Congrats on paying your car loan off! That's got to be such a great feeling! I would love some more posts on your debt repayment journey (if you're still working on it)—I need some inspiration to start kicking it up on our own car loan!
Thank you! In 2016, we had been car payment free for only a few months when we found out we were expecting #6 and needed a bigger car. It doesn't feel like it does, but those little extra payments really do add up! We were able to pay it off an entire year early.
Ice cream has been the star of the quarantine at my house. Congratulations on paying off your car loan!
We've been living it up BIG during this Eastertide!
Yes to slow mornings, ice cream and baby sisters.
Also, those flowers look gorgeous! {drool}
They remind me of something Anne Shirley would absolutely have on her nightstand.