Week six.
Every morning when I wake up, I have to intentionally stop and think about what day it is. Once this week, I was convinced it was Monday for about three hours before…uhh nope, Monday was yesterday and today is acutally Tuesday. Who does this? I’m completely losing it.
We learned that despite public school children having their standardized testing cancelled for the year, homeschooled kids won’t be that lucky. It’s a bummer because we were really hoping for a year off. Oh well. I ordered the materials for the week of May 4th to correspond with the end of our schoolwork. If all goes to plan, we’re on track to start our summer break on May 11. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t counting down the days until then along with the kids!
I read an article from the New York Times called “What Will Our New Normal Feel Like? Hints Are Beginning to Emerge” and this was interesting:
Research on the effects of epidemics and sieges, along with the emerging body of knowledge about the coronavirus, hint at what the coming months may look like.
Our ability to focus, to feel comfortable around others, even to think more than a few days into the future, may diminish — with lasting consequences. But we may also feel the tug of a survival instinct that can activate during periods of widespread peril: a desire to cope by looking out for one’s neighbors.
“We are incredibly capable to adapt to any kind of situation,” said Bozovic, now a professor of photography in Montreal. “No matter how bad it is, you adapt. You live your life as best you can.”
Saints and heroes are always made during times of adversity and this time is no exception. Another good reminder to be compassionate to everyone you meet.
Sad news: a holy priest that we love and respect has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Thankfully, he is now out of the hospital. We are storming heaven for his complete recovery.
Oh the allergies! We’re all suffering from them in one way or another right now. Even so, we’re still heading outside whenever we can. Yardwork, riding bikes or hikes around the loop…it doesn’t matter as long we’re out and breathing fresh air. (Getting a break from each other doesn’t hurt either.)
Our shipment from Home Depot finally arrived on Friday with our fence lumber and all of our soil. The rain stopped on Saturday and I took full advantage of the kids’ screentime to do some yardwork all.by.myself. I put down fresh soil in the front beds and heavily planted it all with wildflower seeds. I had a few perennials come back from last year, which was exciting too.
Lucy!!! what a great picture, thank you