A new series for 2020: if I record 20 things every week, I’ll have over 1,000 items by December 31.
That’s a lot to be grateful for.
warm sunshine on pale limbs
planting the first vegetables in the garden
a not consistent, but semi-improved Internet connection
texts from my cousin and my aunt
the beautiful novena to St. Joseph that I’ve been praying this week
listening to P’s vocabulary explode
trying a new cheddar sourdough loaf
trying a new cheddar sourdough loaf
being inspired by There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather
going on a nature walk with my daughter
going on a nature walk with my daughter
my husband
lists upon lists that keep all my jumbled thoughts/ideas on paper and out of my brain
drinking hot coffee in silence before any of the kids wake up
the smell of rain
how the kids got right to work after new art supplies arrived in the mail
a clean (and empty!) kitchen sink
lists upon lists that keep all my jumbled thoughts/ideas on paper and out of my brain
drinking hot coffee in silence before any of the kids wake up
the smell of rain
how the kids got right to work after new art supplies arrived in the mail
a clean (and empty!) kitchen sink
the satisfaction that comes with tidying up
watching the sunrise through my bedroom window
goldfinches and sparrows and cardinals and phoebes
a successful last week of schoolwork
hitting publish on my 1,120th blog post
watching the sunrise through my bedroom window
goldfinches and sparrows and cardinals and phoebes
a successful last week of schoolwork
hitting publish on my 1,120th blog post
All the birds 🙂 happy feast of St Joseph the worker!
I love seeing those birds every morning! I need to learn to identify their calls.
a clean (and empty!) kitchen sink
Yes & Yes!!!
It happens so infrequently that it must be celebrated! How in the world do these kids eat so much and use so many dishes?! 🙂