A new series for 2020: if I record 20 things every week, I’ll have over 1,000 items by December 31.
That’s a lot to be grateful for.
trash bag kites
this unusually cool spring
the first tiny vegetable shoots coming up!
watching the garden fence come to life
spending lots of time outside
aloe vera for sunburned shoulders
that we were able to successfully remove a tick on D before it caused any problems
a reorganized pantry and freezer
when Mark brings me hot coffee in bed, so I can drink it in peace before starting my day
that we survived another year of standardized testing!
sourdough experiments – this week, it was a strawberry gingersnap twist
reading on the back porch
a freshly mowed lawn
listening to the kids laugh while watching a movie
how well S and J have played together, especially outside
all the mothers in my life who inspire me to be better
when Lucy naps at my feet
birds everywhere
watching the neighbor’s horse run through the pasture
the start of summer break and a break from formal teaching
Coffee in bed sounds lovely, as does reading on the back porch.
I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day, Ashley!
Tiny pockets of time to recharge – I cherish them because they never last for long! 🙂
Happy Mother's Day to you, friend! xo
I wish I had a garden. Lucy+birds=love!