Standardized testing for the year is officially done and with only a few tears, mostly from me! So, so happy to have that task checked off the list, although it solidifies what I already believe: these tests simply cannot adequately show all that kids know AND some kids just aren’t great test takers. Afterward, we celebrated with ice cream sundaes. In other school news, even though we’re now on summer break, I’m already researching and finalizing plans for next fall and making a plan to purchase everything we need. I read from one homeschool curriculum company that they were worried about distribution issues due to COVID-19 and were encouraging everyone to order earlier than later. Will it really get that bad? Who knows, but it will give me peace of mind to just get everything now.
My very first little sprouts have come up in the garden. Going out after breakfast and checking on them has become my new favorite activity. On Friday night, we scrambled to protect them from a very unusual freeze warning – I made little cloches from jam jars and it seemed to work! We have a few chilly mornings coming in the next few days, but hopefully we’ll be back to typical “Virginia in May” weather soon.
A fox, how cool! I'm glad the sprouts are doing ok!
It was really neat but also a little alarming to see him so comfortable in the middle of the day! I wonder if the lack of traffic is making wild animals more brazen in their actions.