Week nine and our first full week of summer break.
House projects are in full swing around here and the week flew by. I’m grateful for these busy days because it doesn’t allow much time for anxiety and worry – I just do the next thing on the list and let God take care of the rest. My mental health during this quarantine has been complicated: most days are really good, but then I’ll be hit with a day where I just feel completely lost and overwhelmed. Do I do this? Should I buy that? What is safe? What is not? Who do I believe? What facts are true? What will life look like this fall? Will things get worse before they get better? It’s exhausting to be in my head on those days.
One lesson I’m finally learning on a tangible level is true abandonment/docility to the will of God. I’ve heard it in homilies and read it in spiritual books, but did I really understand what it meant? We don’t know what will happen in the fall – shoot, we don’t know what will happen tomorrow! – and it’s time for a little trial by fire. I’m learning this lesson, for better or worse! For someone who likes to control things with a tight grip, someone who likes her calendars and lists and five year plans, that feels a lot like giving up. But the yoke does feel a little lighter when you let Someone else hold the weight.
Garden news: we’re all taking turns painting the fence white. What a difference a little paint can make! We planted four apple trees: two are “Pixie Crunch” and are supposed to be even sweeter than a Honeycrisp and the other variety is a citrus-type called “Sundance” that has hints of lemon and pineapple. Yum. I also planted two types of blueberry bushes, Perpetua and Spartan. The Spartans looked a little rough from transport, but I’m hoping a little TLC will perk them back up. Even though we won’t see fruit from either the apples or blueberries this year, it seems like a big investment into our property and I’m so excited. Finally putting down roots, both physically and figuratively.
I plan to keep these big boys busy so we’ll soon start Garden Phase 2: making flower beds all along the outside perimeter.
M started helping out at a local farm working once a week. How do I have a child old enough to go to work?! The days are long, but the years are so, so short.
A few new things for summer: an “Easy As Pie” crossword puzzle book along with 399 Games, Puzzles & Trivia Challenges Specially Designed to Keep Your Brain Young (affiliate link). We keep both on the kitchen table and work on them sporadically throughout the day. For the little kids, I got Scrabble Jr. and it’s been a big hit!
It looks like Mass in our area will be resuming next week, albeit with lots of new guidelines. I’m already overwhelmed with the logistics of the whole thing. We’re strongly encouraged to wear face masks, so I ordered some for myself and all of my children from this shop (affiliate link). Mark already had one since he’s been the only one going into town.
Oh, your garden looks incredibly lovely! We need a full tour. <3
Ooh, that's a good idea. I'll try to take pictures soon.
Yay! garden progress, how fun
It has been the perfect quarantine distraction!
The nest on your fan is unreal! How special!
The worrying has become exhausting at this point for sure:
"Who do I believe? What facts are true?" It's like you are reading my mind!
I am right there with you.
YES. I have to take Internet breaks for entire days or else it feels like my head will explode! So much contradicting information and everyone acts like an expert…it's just too much sometimes, isn't it?