In Fearrington, North Carolina, my grandparents had lived by a pond, where geese plodded around with those curved black necks, squeaky honking. My Grandpa Miller explained that during migration, birds flew in V formation. The bird at the front, the tip of the V, had the hardest job facing the greatest amount of wind resistance. The air coming off the leader’s flapping wings lifted the birds flying behind it. Being the leader was grueling, so the birds took turns. When a bird exhausted itself, it trailed to the back, where it wouldn’t have to flap as hard, riding waves of wind that have been broken down by others. It saved its energy so that it could lead again. This was the only way to make the journey, to escape winter and make it to warmer places. I had spent two weeks pumping my wings, keeping a calm face, to protect my flock from brutal conditions. But resilience required rest. (14%)
Sourdough experiment of the week: a spinach artichoke braid
Sorry to hear you had a rough week–even with the most upbeat of attitudes, the current conditions are hard on everyone. So glad that it sounds like you have a great support system in place and were able to get some rest. Hope you enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!
We all have our breaking point, don't we? I held out as long as I could, but it felt cleansing to release all of those pent-up emotions. Thankfully, I'm going into this week with a much more positive outlook, praise God! How are YOU?
I'm sorry you had a hard week. Those pictures are so full of life though!
You are not alone in reaching the end of your rope. It's been a long haul.
I'm right there with you.