We’re in the second week of the “Phase 1” reopening plan in our state, which means businesses and churches can open but with limited capacity. We’re also supposed to continue with social distancing, work from home (if possible), and wear masks whenever we’re inside a public building. It doesn’t feel like much has changed for us still hanging at home, but it’s a welcome start for a lot of struggling businesses in my community.
We had a quiet Memorial Day on Monday. This day is always a somber one for me, as I think it should be. My oldest son completed the Crossfit “Murph” workout in memory of those service members who died: 1 mile run, 300 squats, 200 pushups, 100 pullups, and another 1 mile run. So hard! We grilled for dinner and ended the night with our tradition of watching a military movie (this year with our two oldest boys). This year, it was Black Hawk Down.
I got started on school plans for next fall. I will have five students (I cannot even believe it) and feel like I need to work on it all summer vs. procrastinating until the last minute. This week, I got a solid booklist in place and started in on the first week checklist.
We went to Mass for the first time in eleven weeks! What a way to celebrate Pentecost! Every other pew was blocked off, which ended up making the church about 25% full, but it was so nice to be back and receive Communion again.
I will be (trying to) writing along with you every day in June! I wanted to do it in May, but hah! I overestimated my ability to recover from a c-section, take care of an infant, and have all the kids home during a pandemic! Will be easier to do with a buddy – just like running, right?
So happy for you and the family to get back to church! We are still closed up here for church, but other things are starting to reopen in the yellow phase – we go "green" on Friday!
So excited that you'll be posting everyday too – I hate to break my streak (this will be my third year in a row) but feeling at a loss for words lately. Hopefully forcing myself to show up each day will help!
I love The chosen! So happy that things are starting to open up where you live.
It was so good, right? The episode with His mother at Cana was my favorite. 🙂