Looking back at May with my five today:
Love and sacrifice are closely linked, like the sun and the light. We cannot love without suffering and we cannot suffer without love. – Saint Gianna Molla
+ We completed our required standardized testing for the state and school is officially out for summer!
+ Mark and the boys finished garden fence construction just in time for Mother’s Day. It was so overwhelming to see my little plan come to life that I cried and they all made fun of me, ha!
+ I planted almost everything I needed to, but had to get creative due to the lockdown. I ordered all of my tomato and pepper seedlings in the mail and was pleasantly surprised by how healthy most of them looked when they arrived.
+ I hit a wall with my mental health and had a hard couple of weeks, but am fighting my way back.
+ I planted almost everything I needed to, but had to get creative due to the lockdown. I ordered all of my tomato and pepper seedlings in the mail and was pleasantly surprised by how healthy most of them looked when they arrived.
+ I hit a wall with my mental health and had a hard couple of weeks, but am fighting my way back.
- Blueberry Peach Cobbler. I made a double batch of our favorite summertime dessert and it was still gone in minutes.
- Skillet Rice and Beans with Kielbasa. I like this recipe because it uses cheap staple ingredients, is fast to make and it’s delicious.
- My New Oatmeal Concoction. I got a little crazy and tried something new: I warm up cinnamon and spice oatmeal, then swirl in a big spoonful of pumpkin puree and sprinkle a handful of raisins and nuts on top. It tastes like fall in a bowl and really keeps me full. I’ve eaten it every morning since.
- ✔ I want to spend time with God everyday. I unintentionally took a break from my Bible plan but started again at the end of the month. As of May 31, I was on day 281/365. I’m also still reading Saint Faustina’s Diary – almost done!
- ✔ I want to keep on, keepin’ on with our debt freedom journey. These times are so uncertain that we’ve been doing a little bit of everything with any extra money including adding to our savings and starting to replenish supplies in our emergency closet. We did make a small extra payment on a student loan – every little bit helps. We’re getting closer!
- ✘ I want to be a better steward of my home. Still struggling in this department and I barely used The Confident Mom’s Household Planner.
- ✔ I want to hand write 52 pieces of mail. My first 2020 goal completely done! Mother’s Day thankfully helped me boost the numbers because I hit a wall after that. I sent out 11 pieces. (Here is the post.) Current total = 56
- ✔ I want to write 150 blog posts. I posted 15 times, which seems decent. Current total = 80
- ✔ I want to read 52 books. I read 7 books. (Here is the post.) Current total = 39
- ✘ I want to take the first steps for postpartum doula certification. Put on hold for now.
- ✔ I want to create a family culture of generosity. We’re keepin’ on with our 20/20 Giving but are anxious to give more of our time and talent as things start to re-open again:
- May’s $20 Donation // We donated again to our local food bank.
- May’s 20 Minutes of Time and Talent // Mark is keeping his men’s group alive with texts and virtual meetings
+ Loads of Laundry: 41
+ Loaves of Bread Made: 30
+ Total Hours Spent Outside: 35
+ Money Spent on Groceries: a gazillion dollars (but seriously, so much money)
I love that you have a count for loads of laundry done. Hahah that's amazing. Your oatmeal breakfast sounds delightful! Feeling inspired by your debt free focus – we are on the opposite end of that right now with these goats (!!) I feel like we are going to tractor supply everyday and we are almost ready to start a back porch roof project. Ugh, it ebbs and flows but I'm anxious to get back to spending less!
You sound like we did when we were constructing the garden earlier this spring! Even though we had planned and saved, it seemed like we were always spending money on this or that. One wrong measurement and we needed a whole extra roll of chicken wire. I greatly underestimated how much soil a 4×4' bed could hold and we had to make an emergency pickup order for a dozen more bags. It was insanity! I'm going to try for a No Spend June, just for a little breathing room.
Our grocery bill is so high! We're going to the store less than ever, but food prices have definitely increased. I'm excited to grow some of our own stuff this year to try and offset at least some of the costs!
Same here! I don't feel like we're buying much more than we usually do (with the exception of probably $10 worth of supplies for our emergency closet) but the difference in our bill is staggering! Thank goodness we're not driving much and I can use what I usually budget for gas into groceries. Although I'm not sure what I'm going to do if our activities are all back on in the fall and we're back in the car all the time. Ahh, so overwhelming! One day at a time. 🙂
Love the loaves and hours outside stats! (I probably spent 0,5 hours outside last month)