While I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this entire book (see my thoughts in this post), this quote made me pause:
In his book Requiem for a Species, Clive Hamilton discusses how attitudes have shifted over the past century. Hamilton writes about how we used to be a production society, focused on producing goods to meet needs in the marketplace, igniting the investor’s confidence. But over time we have become a consumer society, focused on the process of acquiring things, igniting the consumer’s confidence. This causes us all to focus less on what we produce and more on what we own, drawing more of our identity from the latter. – The Year Without a Purchase, p.58
I found it really thought-provoking and it’s made me realize how much I actually crave being a “producer” but often end up consuming, just because it’s easier. I still need to ponder this in terms of concrete goals, but I’d really like to retrain my brain in this area.

New soap! I think it would be fun to actually buy soap from each artisan on my list, so I randomly chose to start with Borden Acres (affiliate links) in California. I bought three scents that seemed summery to me: Sweet Tea, Honeysuckle + Citrus, and Grapefruit + Orange. They smell wonderful and lather beautifully. I’d recommend them all!
Have you ever tried the magazine Mother Earth News? It's got a very similar feel it seems like to Self-Reliance. So glad to see your blog popping up in my feed again!
I haven't heard of Mother Earth News. I'll look into it, thanks!
I love "fancy" soaps. #4 is very interesting indeed.