The biggest news of the week is that Sophia’s bathroom remodel is underway. We hired out for the demo and tiling (a friend of Mark’s is a contractor) and I’m so glad we did. What would have taken us forever, they knocked out in just a few days. We will still have to paint and do a few more cosmetic-type things, but I’m so, so excited to have that room functional again.
I went on a quick date with Mark to Home Depot to pick up grout and came home with $20 worth of houseplants. The way to my heart isn’t through fancy jewelry or handbags, but definitely plants, ha! I picked out a big dieffenbachia, which turned out to be poisonous for dogs so now lives in my bedroom (where Lucy’s not allowed). I also got a pothos for the bathroom.
I started pulling out some of the summer garden and the spent wildflowers in the front beds – bittersweet, but also deeply satisfying. I have learned SO much this year and am already planning what I’m going to do differently next year.
School highlights:
+ After a few years away, we’re back with Story of the World for elementary level history. The kids made a model of the Nile, following the directions from the Activity Book. Can’t wait to see the grass grow in the next few weeks!
congratulations on your plant 🙂 I hope Lucy is ver obedient and stays far away from it!
So far, so good! She's been completely oblivious to my new addition. 🙂