A new month, a new habit! I’m reflecting on this quote from Melody Beattie this month: “Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
- Habit of the Month: Thanksgiving
- begin sharing our daily gratitude as a family at dinner
- finally complete the summer/winter clothes switch for the kids
- put flannel sheets on all of the beds
- finish purchasing gifts for M’s birthday and wrap
- start making a list for Christmas
- begin wrapping picture books for Advent
- finish reading Anne of Avonlea
- get back into my Jackson Pollock book and read two chapters
- buy a new candle
- bake a cake (100LT #90)
- get in all my training runs for the Turkey Trot 10K (less than two weeks to go!)
If you’re reading on your phone or in a reader, click through to see what I crossed off the list!
buy stamps- buy or borrow a weed-wacker (it wasn’t in the budget this time, but hopefully soon)
pick pumpkins(we were super lame and got them at Walmart, but whatever works, right?)start jotting down ideas for Term Twobake a new quick bread (100LT #6)(we made easy pumpkin bread for teatime)make a list of Christmas picture books to look for- make a homemade muffin or brownie mix for J to bake independently (I found this recipe and just need to buy the cocoa powder)
- finish Dorothy Day’s The Long Loneliness (100LT #82) (still chugging along on this one)
- order new foundation and blush (I’m stuck between buying old faithful or trying something new!)
- clean my makeup brushes (100LT #44)
- learn a new card game (100LT #33)
send hair off to Pantene Beautiful Lengthsstart training plan for November 10K and “complete what you came to do” (my running motto)- start four weeks of No Sugar (MAJOR fail – I’ve instead decided to focus on quality vs. quantity. Baby steps?)
What about you? What’s on your to-do list for the next few weeks?
Oh, the huge clothes switch- definitely on my to-do list, too!
I've had the bins in my hallway for weeks! Every time I think it's going to cool down for good, we get another warm day. Crazy Virginia 🙂