One of my 100 Little Things tasks this year was to complete a “Week in the Life” project like I did a few years ago. For whatever reason, that seems like a monumental task when combined with all of my other responsibilities, so I’m tweaking it into something new: a monthly Day in the Life. Ten photos throughout the day that show a peek into our extraordinarily ordinary life.
When I scribbled down this idea in my planner, I had no idea it would coincide with the most beautiful spring-like day in February: 75 degrees and sunny! We were about an hour into school when one of the kids asked, “Do you think we could have some recess and go outside?” How could I say no? We spent the rest of the morning riding bikes, swinging and playing basketball. After a fancy lunch of Ramen noodles and a salad for me, we had Quiet Hour while the baby napped (the big two and I read, the littler ones drew with Art for Kids). Then it was back outside! Add in a lot of laundry and a homemade blueberry pie and it was just the best day. The warm sun and fresh air were so good for all of us.

Lovely day 🙂
It really was! Now we're back to cold, rainy weather so I'm extra glad to have documented it. 🙂
That quote!!! I want that up at my house!!!
I love the idea of occasionally capturing life as it is. The ordinary. The mundane. I think that's why I've been able to keep up my Around Here posts so religiously. I know that someday I will look back on those and be SO glad that I have them on the blog.
Love your family & blog so much!!!
I totally agree. I recently re-read some of my old Around Here posts and just could not believe how much I had forgotten…so thankful that I recorded all of those little things. I can't imagine how I'll feel once they're all grown and gone!
I wish more people still blogged like this!!! This was my favorite post I’ve seen/read in a long time :).
Also that pic of your dryer is super cool and artsy! 🙂
Thank you so much for saying that!