No.436: 2020 Gratitude // 33

intentional living, little by little
Month #11 for my 1,000 Item Declutter Challenge! Here are the ground rules:
I feel a responsibility for the things I have and want to be intentional with how I dispose of them. Questions I asked myself: If it’s here, what purpose does it serve? Can I use it up? Can I enjoy it vs. keeping it tucked away in drawers and boxes? And if not, can I let it go to someone who may need it more?
The one year mark for this project is quickly approaching! Since this was my last month before school resumes, I tried to knock out as much as I could, digging around in closets and cabinets and the basement. I’m starting to see the fruits of this whole adventure, though, because it feels like I’m finding less and less, ha! What a good feeling.
P.S. To “count,” the item had to physically leave my house. So while I have listed a handful of things online, those aren’t counted until they have sold.
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