- order and hang a hammock (100LT #18)
- plant lemongrass for the back porch (I’m still waiting for my order)
- plant tomatoes and peppers (praying they also arrive!)
- finish clearing away the fallen trees and branches in the yard (this is the task that never ends! we just keep adding more work for ourselves)
- finish painting the fence
- powerwash the siding (100LT #6)
- read another ARC due for Netgalley
- read 25+ pages in The Last Art of Reading Nature’s Signs
- read the library books I have and then take a break from borrowing new ones (and get back to the ones on the nightstand!)
- have the big boys break ground around the garden perimeter for flower beds
- collect eggshells for a natural fertilizer
- work on revamping our emergency closet to fit a new space
- finish up my DIY chalkboard and “season” the paint
complete standardized testing and mail(we are all SO happy to be done!)celebrate the beginning of summer with something special(we had ice cream sundaes)- clean up schoolroom for summer (almost done)
start making loose curriculum plans for the fallspend 15+ hours outside(current total is 21.5 hours! I’m tracking my own time, but the kids come out with me almost every time)start brainstorming ideas for #write30days 2020 in June- finish clearing away the fallen trees and branches in the yard
- powerwash the siding (100LT #6)
finish garden fence constructionand paintkeep planting!make two purchases from small businesses(I ordered rainboots for two of the kids from Lone Cone and a few scrapbook things during the Ali Edwards sale)- read another ARC due for Netgalley
read at least 50% of Saint Faustina’s Diaryorder a filter replacement for the fridgecheck out the current outdoor gear situation and purchase anything needed(I bought rainboots from the shop above and raincoats for Sophie and me on Poshmark)plant ferns by the front door (100LT #32)- plant lemongrass for the back porch (100LT #33)
see if I can get a piece of wood cut for a DIY chalkboardbuy chalkboard paint