surprise books in the mail (thank you so much, Shelly!)
sibling picnic lunches under the dining room table
our “tree guy” who has taught us so much about caring for our property
warm, thick socks
the high quality work that my oldest boys produced for their short story projects
Audrey Assad’s version of Be Thou My Vision
using my rusty Spanish skills again with Duolingo (and a 12 day streak!)
chirping birds
the clay ladybug that J created for me
that Lucy is back to good behavior after a stressful few days
P’s “cheese” face
big bear hugs
when Lucy happily sunbathes on the side porch
being all caught up on laundry
seeing Orion’s belt
passing on outgrown kids clothes to someone who needs them
P’s interest in potty training (FINALLY)
the very first tiny signs of spring