Months #3 and #4 for my 1,000 Item Declutter Challenge! Here are the ground rules:
- Only spend 10 minutes at one time and only in one specific area.
- Monday through Wednesday, seek out items that we no longer need and make a pile. Then Thursday through Saturday, make a plan for how to deal with them. (This worked so well and avoided that dreaded box of “what should I do with these?” items.)
- Possible places to find new homes for items: Ebay/Poshmark, Facebook Marketplace, Trash Nothing website or the local Buy Nothing Facebook group and as a last resort, Goodwill
I feel a responsibility for the things I have and want to be intentional with how I dispose of them. Questions I asked myself: If it’s here, what purpose does it serve? Can I use it up? Can I enjoy it vs. keeping it tucked away in drawers and boxes? And if not, can I let it go to someone who may need it more?

I took most of December off from blogging, so I’m combining both months in this post. Truth be told, there wasn’t a whole lot of decluttering going on anyway, as I allowed myself the time off to just enjoy Advent and the Christmas season. But I’m back and ready to get back to work!
- 4 books.
- 2 men’s suit coats. Mark’s warming up to the idea of decluttering his own closet!
- 7 Christmas books. As I prepared for Advent School, I separated out the books we never seem to read. I posted them on Trash Nothing and got a response within a day.
- One nativity set. Sold on ebay.
- Four tea towels made by my late grandmother. I found a set of tea towels in one of my Christmas boxes and decided that I should share a little bit of my grandmother with my siblings.
- 12 Young Living essential oils. I used to be all about essential oils, but they’ve been in a kitchen drawer collecting dust for over a year. I haven’t done anything with them because they were $$ and I kept trying to convince myself that I may use them in the future. Obviously, that hasn’t happened. I decided to give a bunch to family members.
- One pair of soccer cleats. A surprising sale on ebay!
- One pair of bathing suit trunks and the matching rashguard. Another surprising sale on Poshmark!
- 4 gift bags and 10 various rolls of ribbon.
- Two curtain panels. Sold on Poshmark. I had these panels made for me for my old dining room. I loved them so much! Unfortunately, when we moved to the farmhouse, I didn’t have the right window to hang them and they stayed in a box. This was a hard one to let go, but I’m happy to pass them on to someone else and get a little money back in return.
- 3 magazines. Into the recycling bin.
- 6 various pieces of clothing. Sent to Goodwill. These are pieces in good condition, but don’t have much resale value and weren’t substantial enough to warrant a post on Trash Nothing.
Money made this month: $75.98
P.S. To “count,” the item had to physically leave my house. So while I have listed a handful of things online, those aren’t counted until they have sold.