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- Swapped out Oliver Twist for Around the World in 80 Days for M’s classic novel. He was really struggling with OT and since I’d like to him to actually enjoy the classics someday, I thought we’d start with something a little easier. Hoping to revisit Oliver next term.
- J (3rd grade) begged and begged to be done with Explode the Code and I gave in. Instead, he will have 15 minutes of silent reading, although that often has extended to 30-45 minutes. He rotates between three different books and sometimes gets sucked into the story, losing all track of time. Obviously, I love and support that.
+ Around the World: we learned a little about traditional Chinese New Year festivities and made dragons. We also watched a short video about how silk worms make silk – I was fascinated, but the kids were a little grossed out.
+ M (7th grade) learned about ziggurats in Ancient History this week. Fun fact: did you know that the Tower of Babel is thought to have been built in the ziggurat shape? His assignment was to draw one on his own and it turned out great! His art has improved so much the last few years.
+ In Modern History, D (5th grade) and I watched an interactive battle map on the Battle of Shiloh.
+ Speech has become TJ’s favorite subject of the day! (It may have something to do with the M&Ms too, hah) This week, he practiced the ending M sound using the Speech Zone’s smash mat worksheets (that I laminated). Say the word, eat an M&M!
+ Biggest surprise of the week: we had our first official Nature Study and it was a huge hit. I planned to only be outside for maybe 10 minutes, but they wanted to keep exploring for close to an hour!

M’s new “series” of super hero art, inspired by famous paintings
open windows and a cool breeze
6 sales from Poshmark and Ebay
family card games around the dining room table
a freshly laundered bed
cinnamon raisin swirl sourdough bread
finding new purposes for old things
my blood pressure starting to drop (still high, but getting closer to normal range)
a new book
when Mark makes me laugh

+ On the menu:
T: rosemary balsamic sheet pan chicken with bacon and apples and rice
W: Refrigerator Clean-Out Night
Th: sourdough waffles and grapes
F: spicy southwest veggie frittata
+ B is for Blueberry Muffins, using this recipe from Eating on a Dime
+ How much I spent on groceries this week: $314.22
A little bit higher than normal because I started purchasing a few items for our emergency closet. Winter will be here before we know it!
+ on my less waste wishlist: unpaper towels
+ I stumbled upon this photography challenge and love the idea
+ so excited to try out my latest purchase
+ Why I’m Not on Instagram Anymore // she talked much more eloquently about her decision than I did! As someone who has tried and then eventually quit two IG accounts, I can relate to so many of her thoughts. I’m perfectly content to be in one space on the Internet with this little blog of mine.