the smell of freshly mowed grass
sunshine pouring through a spider web on the back porch
green, green, green everywhere you look
watching in awe as our puppy seemingly grows overnight
little personal cups of Bluebell ice cream
the friendliest handymen who live and work in our community
a book that makes you laugh and cry
waking up to a new order from Poshmark
finding old videos of the kids and wondering how it all goes so fast
sharing memories of my grandmothers
a new top (in black, because I’m boring) that helps me look a little more put together
homemade Mother’s Day cards
my mother-in-law who washed my dishes and cleaned my kitchen for me (such a treat!)
finishing the last few pages in our school books
extensive train track creations across the living room floor
watching the kids play outside with Lucy after dinner
painting my toes
baby birds almost ready to leave the nest
waking from a deep, deep sleep
this prayer from Thomas Aquinas: “Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you. Amen.”