- complete T25 Alpha Weeks 3 & 4
- finish Easter baskets
- get the big boys to the barber and buzz the little ones at home
- give my split ends a trim (maybe watch a Youtube video or two?)
- finish buying the last few things before our new puppy arrives
- puppy proof the first floor
- find a vet
- go through the millions of recipe printouts and organize (part of 100LT #10)
- organize the junk drawers
- make a list of spring clothing needs for the kids
- clean out and vacuum the car
- paint S’s room (100LT #69)
- check out the Restore for a dresser and/or desk
- get estimates for resealing the driveway
create a regular routine of working out with D (we’re going to do T25 together!)replace burnt out recessed lighting bulbs in the living room and kitchendeclutter and organize the school closetintroduce a little Shakespeare into our homeschool(we read Macbeth)- plan something art-related to do with the kids
- play dominoes or cards after dinner as a family
go on a date!send a package, just because- paint S’s room (100LT #69)
- start peeking around for a new dresser on yardsale sites or CL (no luck yet)
research costs for resealing the driveway(now to get some quotes!)start a compost pile(this blog post was really helpful)bake bread(revisited this post to get back into the routine)