No.99: 20 Things I Love – A Gratitude Journal vol.6

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drinking hot coffee with Mark by the fire
the excitement on the kids’ faces when they woke to falling snow
shoveling our loooong driveway with M and J
watching the baby experience snow for the first time (his reaction: not too sure)
warm rain boots that double as snow gear
seeing grass again as it all melted, 24 hours later
bright blue skies and sunshine
motivating myself for more movement with my Fitbit
a new water app that is keeping me accountable
addressing postcards and thinking about the women who will receive them
that moment when you return to your dough after it has doubled in size
the smell of freshly baked bread, straight out of the oven
Sophie and Daddy card games
heart-to-heart conversations with a friend
a book that challenged me to be better
my nightstand, piled high with new books to begin
sliding into freshly washed sheets at the end of the day
the big boys’ renewed passion for reading
watching TJ climb the stairs one step at a time
this quote: “Those who leave everything in God’s hands will eventually see God’s hands in everything.”

No.98: What’s In Their Easter Baskets 2018

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I went in a new direction with our Easter baskets this year.  In years past, my go-to gifts have been bubbles, bathing suits and other things they would need for spring.  This year seemed different: my biggest boys are getting older and we already have plenty of bathing suits.  So what to do? 

I ended up with two goals:

  1. Try to kick my ridiculous Amazon Prime habit by shopping through small businesses first
  2. Pay attention to the kids’ interests and find things that combine learning and fun
I’m so happy with the end result!  In full disclosure, I did buy about half of this through Amazon.  BUT.  I picked an Usborne book for each child (in case you don’t know a consultant, my two favorites are Sarah and Jessica!) and I bought two beautiful things from an etsy shop called From Jennifer.  So baby steps. 

Here’s what’s in their baskets in 2018: 

M (11 years old)

D (9 years old)
J (7 years old)
S (5 years old)
TJ (3 years old)
P (1 year old)

What’s going in the Easter baskets at your house this year?

P.S. Each of the kids has one of these Easter baskets (in different colors) from World Market and I love them!