I was awake way too early, my braining firing at all cylinders at 4:30AM. Mark was already up and working from home (a rare treat these days!), so I decided to get up with him so we could drink our coffee together by the fire. It lasted a whole five minutes before the baby woke up, hah! Oh well.
The day was dark and dreary, with rain all morning and hail in the early afternoon. For the first day of spring, it sure didn’t feel like it. I think the high was 37 degrees?! We got our school done before noon and made pepperoni pizza bombs for lunch. I even managed to take a power nap during quiet hour! The kids spent the rest of the afternoon drawing, reading and block-building and I caught up on chores. There really is nothing like slipping into clean sheets at the end of a long day.
My ten photos this month are dark and grainy, but a decent representation. It was definitely one of those days where you’re thankful for a warm house, cozy blankets and a good book.