January’s goals are exciting and scary, but I suppose that’s the point when you are trying to be brave, right? The first three are specific to the areas I want to work on this year (creativity, food and giving), but I hope to complete all twelve. Here’s January’s list:
1. Being brave creatively: cross-stitch something difficult and turn it into a wall hanging.
2. Being brave in the kitchen: make a warm breakfast at least three times a week.
3. Being brave in my giving: donate items to our church’s Refugee Services.
4. Read two books. Let me know if you have any favorites! I’m always open to recommendations.
5. Launch the Big White Farmhouse shop! I am so excited (and nervous!) about this one. Stay tuned for lots of exciting announcements!
6. Stay up to date in my Bible reading. Back in November, I decided that I wanted to tackle an item on my life list: reading the Bible in one year. This month, I am in Leviticus, Numbers and Psalms!
7. Walk #40milesinjanuary. Due to an ankle injury, I haven’t run in a little over a month. I’m still not fully healed, so I am easing back into exercise by walking and following along with my fellow running ladies on Instagram.
8. Make my handwriting a font. One of my penpals introduced this idea and I’m excited to try it out.
9. Finally install the art wall in the master bedroom. Those frames have been sitting on the floor for way too long.
10. Embrace the camera and get at least one picture with the entire family in it.
11. Catch up on all correspondence. I’m looking at you, penpal letters, thank you notes and letters to my Compassion kids.
12. No sugar all month. By far the hardest goal, but I need this detox ASAP. Wish me luck.
What are your goals for January? Share in the comments or leave a link to your post. I’d love to hear them!