We have been in our current house for almost 11 months now. A little recap for any new readers: Last summer, my husband got a wonderful new job in Northern Virginia. For the next few months, we lived apart during the week: he stayed in a townhouse with a bunch of commuters and I was home with the kids. We’d see him Friday night through Sunday afternoon, and then he’d make the two hour trip back. Did I mention I was pregnant too? It was a long summer.
After crunching our finances, we decided to rent out our current house and buy up north. We were dying to live in the same house again full-time! The buying experience was a whirlwind, which anyone who has purchased in NoVa knows. That day consisted of a full day of house hunting and making an offer just hours later. Crazy! We moved in two weeks before Sophia was born.
The first few months were an absolute blur with a colicky baby and adjusting to my husband’s more demanding work schedule. Home improvement took a back seat to say the least! As the months went by, I took on small projects but never really took the time to make the house a home.
Until now.
I want to be in love with where I’ve been planted. I want my house to be a reflection of the six of us who live here. I want it to be a welcoming destination for both friends and family, a gathering place for conversation and memory-making. I want to make it feel like home.
So, inspired by Jules at Pancakes & French Fries, I’m starting a new series here on the blog: the William Morris Project. My hope is to share with you something I did to create an intentional home every week. This could range from purchasing a new couch ($$$$) to organizing the kids’ closets (free!), but every week, I aim to do something to reach my goal. And you can come along!
Another thing to note: My decorating mentality is a mix of both DIY projects on the cheap and saving our pennies to get the more expensive item. So you’ll see both as the weeks go by.
Want a peek at my gigantic to-do list? A few of the items to look forward to:
+ Paint the boys’ bedroom
+ Organize the kitchen cabinets and drawers
+ Tile the laundry room floor
+ Art for the dining room…maybe try a blueprint copy?
+ Create a mudroom
+ Gallery wall in nursery
+ New chairs for the kitchen table
+ Artwork for above the master bed
+ Simplify and organize my office
+ Add layers to the living room: pillows, throw, etc.
+ Dining room light fixture
…and so much more!
See you next week with the first project: a gallery wall of my kids’ artwork!
July 8, 2024
If you didn’t think I was an odd duck before, this will probably convince you: I like to read the local obituaries...