Today’s post is something totally different for me. I’m talking about clothes today, friends! First, a little disclaimer: I am no where near as cool or fashionable as say, Anna or Grace. But I want to try. I’m a simple girl who has quickly gone from her high school/college fashion (to which I never want to return again!) to the stay-at-home mom uniform of t-shirts and yoga pants (and not a whole lot of yoga). I hate to say I “lost myself” along the way, because the line is so cliche, but I definitely put myself on the back burner.
I made a secret promise to myself, which I guess I am now sharing with you, that 2013 is the year I spend a little time on me. Not in a greedy or selfish way, but in ways that would make me a better wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend. And stop number one on the “me” train is my wardrobe. Dressing like a frump, with a body that I’m not happy with, has been rough on my self esteem, which then in turn affected my entire family. But no excuses, right? If I’m not happy with the situation, I need to take the steps to change it.
Enter the wonder of the world wide web! I first heard of Stitch Fix randomly from…Instagram maybe? I looked it up and thought it was the perfect idea for moms like me. Basically, you sign up and take a survey called your Style Profile. It goes through a bunch of questions ranging from your body type to what style clothing you like. Then you can schedule your “Fix” and a stylist will pick clothing for you based on your answers! There’s a spot at the end to add comments to your stylist, which I found very helpful. I made sure to note that I had recently had a baby and therefore preferred tops that didn’t hug my midsection and were easy to nurse. And they really delivered!
The process is so cool. They send you a box of items, you try them all on, keep what you like, and send the rest back. Here’s a peek at my first fix:
I apologize for being behind the camera instead of modeling these clothes for you, but a fussy little girl nixed that idea!
I LOVED shirt #1. It was a teal/turquoise color, sleeveless and just a bit flowy. It even looked great on. My only problem was that it was 100% silk and with my attached-at-the-hip, spit-up laden baby…probably not a good option for this stage in my life. Sadly, I didn’t keep this one.
Shirt #2 was another awesome one. It was an oatmeal color with navy stripes and so comfy. Casual without looking frumpy. Sadly, it was just a bit too tight in the chest area. Bummer.
Shirt #3 was just okay. I liked the color (it was actually a much deeper blue than shown in this picture) but the cut was just okay and I didn’t like the price tag for a shirt that was 100% polyester. The item in the bag was a scarf. It was cute, but I didn’t think it was worth spending the money. I’d rather invest in new jewelry.
This is the one piece I decided to keep. White and simple, but something I actually needed in my closet. I know it will get a ton of use this spring. Oh! So this is the best part of the whole Stitch Fix box, in my opinion:
Every piece has a tag that gives you ideas for how to wear it. So for example, one idea for this sweater is paired with a casual tunic and skinny jeans. But you could also belt it with a dress for a totally different look. I feel a little clueless in the outfit department, so I found that card extremely helpful!
So yeah, Stitch Fix is something I will definitely try again. I’m thinking next time I’ll request some cute spring and summer dresses! Have you tried Stitch Fix? I’d love to hear about your experience!