My sweet blog friends Cynthia and Christy both tagged me in sharing five things about myself. Nothing like a prompt to combat the writer’s block! Here are a few little known facts about me:
1. I met my husband on the Internet. I KNOW. Almost eight years of marriage and I still get red in the face when I talk about it. My parents had just moved to a new area, I was transferring home from FUS, and I thought it would be a fun thing to do since I didn’t know anyone. I had absolutely no intention of actually meeting anyone, but well…we all know how that turned out! God works in funny ways.
2. I love to bake. I can make a mean chocolate chip cookie, but I like to dabble in all things sweet. I once made a blueberry cheesecake for my dad, to which he asked, ” This is delicious…is this from the store?” If you know my dad, you know this is the highest form of flattery. 🙂
3. I am a dance school dropout. My mom started me when I was in kindergarten maybe? and I lasted only a few classes before I was totally over it. This probably explains why I have no rhythm and my dad calls me Elaine.
4. My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip…preferably the green kind.
5. I dream of having a library in my home someday. Beauty and the Beast was my favorite Disney movie growing up…I mean, the rolling ladder to get the books way up high? How cool is that?!