Today’s craft was a spontaneous one. After perusing my Pinterest boards for ideas to finish out the challenge (1 week to go!), I came across the tissue paper pom-pom. I’m sure I originally pinned them for a party idea, but what the heck! I made one just because.
Since it was my first time, and I only had one pack of tissue paper on hand, I looked at a few different sources. This tutorial from Martha and this Youtube video were particularly helpful. I didn’t have pipe cleaners or floral wire on hand, so I stole the twisty tie off of the bread and it worked just fine.
The finished product is so cute! I hung it up in Baby Girl’s nursery, but I think it would definitely look better in a cluster. A trip to Target for more tissue paper is in order this weekend! 🙂
July 8, 2024
If you didn’t think I was an odd duck before, this will probably convince you: I like to read the local obituaries...