Back in February, I felt really convicted to reach out to Mammas with support and a little fun. The purpose of the first Mamma Support Swap was to use the Internet to support mothers in all walks of life, connect us on a deeper level, and to celebrate this crazy vocation we’ve been called to. Being a teeny little blog, I was so nervous that this idea of mine would crash and burn. But I was blown away by the interest and the support! And I knew this had to be something that happened more than once.
So this is the plan. The Mamma Support Swap encompasses a few things:
- Support: This time around, this part is up to you. If you’d like, include a handwritten note to your partner, telling her about yourself and your family. Feel free to add some advice about meal planning, budgets, or tips for picky eaters. Words of encouragement are also great and always appreciated. Words are powerful…you can do so much good.
- Recipes: Include at least two favorite recipes to share. You can use recipe cards you already own, or there are tons of free printables out there (check a few out here, here and here).
- Swap: A little something special purchased to help her in the kitchen or just make it pretty! Let’s keep it in the $10-15 dollar range. Ideas: your favorite cookbook, recipe cards, coffee mug, etc. Anything kitchen/cooking related is fair game. Be sure to check your partner’s blog if you need ideas!
Like I said in February, my prayer is that through this swap, we can encourage each other on this wild adventure we call motherhood. Hopefully we’ll even make a new friend! So are you in? Know a few friends who could use some support and need an inspiration boost in the kitchen? I hope so! Please comment below with your name, blog address (if you have one – it’s not mandatory to have one to enter) and e-mail address. (You can also e-mail me at mrsb04jc at gmail dot com if that’s easier too!)
One more thing before I close this monster of a post…please, please, please spread the word! I know there have to be so many mammas out there who could use some love, support and inspiration. So please talk about it on your blog, Facebook, twitter or even pin the picture above! I’d be forever grateful!