Friends, I’m asking for prayers this morning! Last week, I failed my 1 hour glucose test, so I am back in the lab this morning to tackle the 3 hour. I had gestational diabetes with J and this test is the worst. I am nervous and anxious and hoping I don’t throw up (if you’ve taken the test before, you know what I mean!). If you could, would you pray for me today?
{read along} Mitten Strings for God: Surrender
You can find the rest of my thoughts on Mitten Strings chapters here.
Surrender. I think as mothers, we first learn this in labor. Maybe you’ve written out a clearly defined birth plan: soft music in the background, possibly an epidural (which of course you’ll decide if and when you want it), and immediate nursing after birth. You are steadfast in your choices. But then labor comes, quick and in a hurry. Maybe it’s so fast and furious, there’s just no time for that calming music, no time for the epidural. Maybe the baby’s heartbeat decreases at an alarming rate and before you know it, you’re up in the OR in the middle of an emergency C-section.
It’s at that moment that you learn surrender. You learn that the health of that baby is so much more important than any plan you could create. You learn what it means to let go and let God.
“Sometimes our children’s needs do not coincide neatly with our own beliefs. And therein lies a challenge. Do I try to control every aspect of our family environment, or do I allow others to help shape it too? Do I always enforce the rules, or do I sometimes step aside and trust my children to find their own way? Surrendering is always an act of faith, and letting go is never easy.” – page 88
How are you learning surrender in your vocation as a mother?
{chit chat} Mother’s Day Roundup
Mother’s Day is just a little over a week away, can you believe it? Our plans are still a mystery to me, but there have been lots of whispering and planning going on between the boys and their Daddy. I hate being out of the loop!
A few Mother’s Day finds, courtesy of the WWW:
{recording life} Life with a Three-Year-Old
Life is interesting with three-year-olds, at least in this house. Despite being attached to me 24/7 as a baby, Mr. D is not really cuddly or physically affectionate . He’s quite reserved, but never wavers when he’s got something on his mind. He has a great imagination and loves “guys”, Legos and puzzles. He is stubborn and frequently questions authority, often resulting in a lot of time spent in time-out. We are in a constant battle of push and pull, he and I.
So last weekend, when we were all a little under the weather, you can imagine my surprise when my sweet boy climbed into my lap. Curled his body next to mine and quickly fell asleep. He didn’t feel well and the only comfort he wanted was Mamma. I sat in that chair, rubbing his back and thanking God for this treasure of mine. He may sometimes be difficult, but he also challenges me to be a better mother. And for that, I will always be grateful.