Good morning, mammas. I had a nice post planned for today, full of sunshine and rainbows…but honestly, that’s not how I’m feeling this week. I am weary.
I don’t know if it’s the same for you, but it seems like my life is a bunch of hills and valleys. We can go so long on the top of that hill – happy well-rested boys, few discipline problems, a clean home and full bellies. Life seems so simple then, almost easy.
And then come the valleys. And boy do they come hard, every single time. Extended family issues, a lot of potential changes for my little family, challenges with my boys and oh yeah – pregnancy! – has just compounded this week. I am tired and my heart is heavy.
I used to live my life thinking that no one needed to know I was struggling. Pull up my big girl pants, plaster that smile on my face and act like everything is fine. No one asks and I suffer in silence. Has anyone else done that or was I the only fool to think it was okay to live life wearing a mask? With a little maturity, I’ve realized that I don’t want to be that person. I want to help and encourage others during my hills so that when the valleys come, hopefully someone will reach out to me.
So that’s where I’m at right now. Sorry you came to Big White Farmhouse for such a downer post. I’ll be back tomorrow to announce the winner of the coffee giveaway. Entries are SUPER low so please feel free to enter (my pride thanks you!). Giveaway post is here.