How was your weekend? Ours was pretty low-key, but still went by too fast! How does that always happen? Anyway, I’m all over the place this morning. Care for a glimpse?
1. I spent a good portion of Saturday afternoon working on next week’s school. Usually I like to stay three or four weeks ahead…oops! We are reading Very Last First Time so we’ve got Inuits, arctic animals, and oceans on the learning schedule. I’m hoping the boys are interested…if not, I’m declaring it Polar Bear week.
2. Came across this article and thought it was so true for all of you newer mammas out there: To the Mother with only One Child . A must read.
3. I think I’ve started something big. Puzzle mania has hit the house! The big boys will sit for almost an hour (an HOUR!) doing puzzles over and over again. Can I just say how glorious the silence is? My new tip for Mammas: puzzles.
4. I was honored to be a part of this list on Grace’s blog last week. I may or may not have put off doing a mountain of laundry to check out some of the girls. 🙂
5. I have home improvement on the brain in a big way lately. Gearing up to repaint the walls and all of the molding in my living room…well hello crazy burst of energy! Where did you come from?