A monthly project featuring ten photos throughout the day that show a peek into our extraordinarily ordinary life.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
intentional living, little by little
A monthly project featuring ten photos throughout the day that show a peek into our extraordinarily ordinary life.
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My big goal for September was to bring some margin into my life. I have been laser focused on the expansion of our homestead and finally hit burnout stage in August. Anyway, at the beginning of the month, I made a list of “fun” things that bring me peace/happiness. I also found this free printable habit tracker to visually see what I’m choosing each day. Loving the daily check-in so far! (And you can tell from my tracker above that it’s still way too hot to have a big quilt on my lap, ha!)
Inspired by Farmhouse Schoolhouse’s “Friday Exam” tradition, we are incorporating this in our school week too! She mentioned in one of her blogposts that she was transitioning from butcher paper to blank notebooks and I went that direction too. I bought these spiral-bound books and each Friday, I ask a handful of questions: “Tell me what you remember about Daniel Boone’s adventures with Finley. Do you remember how a compass works from our geography studies? Can you write down a Roman numeral cheat sheet? What was your favorite part in our read aloud this week?” We casually chitchat and the kids draw their favorites on one page of the spiral-bound book. Sometimes they are very detailed, sometimes they choose to only make pencil sketches. All of it combined shows me what things stuck and what I’ll need to review in the next week.
We are trying Art Tango for art education this year and loving it so far! In an attempt to accommodate a range of students, I decided to go down the middle and follow the Third Grade Level. It’s simple enough for my second grader to understand, but I can easily make it more advanced/detailed for my 6th grader. And the curriculum is free!
We get these really awful hard water stains in our toilets and it’s always so embarrassing when we have people over. I want to block the bathroom door and say, “We really are clean people, I swear!” I have scrubbed and scrubbed using a variety of products and they barely made a dent. Insert the Pumie toilet bowl ring remover! It’s safe for porcelain, contains no added chemicals and can remove anything. My toilets look brand new again! I’ll be buying these things in bulk from now on.
A fun activity that my little boys have been enjoying: coloring this cute Lego minifigure printable in a variety of ways. I love to see what they come up with.
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I feel you, Alexander. Last week was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week. Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration…
Still. Lots of hard things happened all at once. Isn’t that always the way? We had more farm catastrophes. I started a new skincare routine (per my monthly goals) and my skin completely broke out in response. My husband had a health issue flare up, causing him excruciating pain. I miscounted my cross-stitch and had to rip out a whole section of stitches. My clothes dryer started making weird noises. And on and on and on. Some weeks are like that, right?
Thankfully, there were still some bright moments sprinkled throughout the days. Here are a few:
We’ve been watching the progress on this spider web. Pretty incredible.
What a surprise and honor. I cried.
My oldest son helped a local farmer with morning chores while he was out of town for Labor Day. I followed along one morning and loved seeing another system. Definitely took some notes and pictures!
A line from the Litany of the Holy Ghost that I’ve been pondering: Holy Ghost, inspire in us the practice of good.
First book club meeting of the new year! I don’t know these women well, but they are all so kind and generous. Looking forward to reading and learning with them.
We had the most beautiful Mass in the new spot on Sunday. My heart was filled to bursting. How quickly I forget how He can turn a little into a lot! It also seems the Gospel was just the one I needed to hear at the end of this hard week, especially this part: O ye of little faith! Be not solicitous therefore saying: What shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or wherewith shall we be clothed? for after all these things do the heathen seek. For your Father knows that you have need of all these things. Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and His justice; and all these things shall be added unto you. After that pertinent reminder, I’m back on track and ready to face whatever comes. Deo gratias.
We’re trying Poetry Tea Time again this year with my four youngest students, but with a twist. The older two will be in charge of the sweet treat each week! They love to cook and this is a fun way to expand on those skills. During this time, we will also read a few poems and challenge ourselves to recite some from memory. I’m also incorporating an informal Art Study and will have the month’s work on display. My goal is to provide an environment for us to experience the arts in a relaxed, non-intimidating way.
Here are the highlights from Week One:
For the first week, this kids picked Lunch Lady Brownies from Life in the Lofthouse. I think they may have overmixed the batter because it had a cake-like consistency vs. a gooey one. Still very rich and delicious. A little bite goes a long way!
I thought this light-hearted poem would make the kids smile and it didn’t disappoint! They could easily imagine the crazy chicken antics.
Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens
by Jack PrelutskyLast night I dreamed of chickens,
there were chickens everywhere,
they were standing on my stomach,
they were nesting in my hair,
they were pecking at my pillow,
they were hopping on my head,
they were ruffling up their feathers
as they raced about my bed.They were on the chairs and tables,
they were on the chandeliers,
they were roosting in the corners,
they were clucking in my ears,
there were chickens, chickens, chickens
for as far as I could see…
when I woke today, I noticed
there were eggs on top of me.
We are studying Fra Angelico this year and began with the piece, The Annunciation.
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