I’ve wanted a wreath for my front door for months. There are SO many gorgeous ones out there, but they also come with a price tag. Since fall is birthday extravaganza around here, I knew I had to stretch my creative muscles a bit and make my own.

After seeing this tutorial, I knew that it was the perfect project to try. I pretty much copied Amy’s wreath exactly, from using the same color yarn (which is a great price right now on Amazon!) to investing in the pom pom maker. I did find her photographed instructions a bit confusing, but this video on YouTube was helpful.
After the tiny learning curve in creating the pom poms, this project became the perfect mindless activity when I watched television at night or listened to podcasts during naptime. I made a few pom poms whenever I had a bit of free time, but I’d imagine you could knock it out in a few hours if you had that uninterrupted stretch of time.
After finishing, I hung it on my door with a thick red and white striped ribbon. My photos don’t do the wreath justice – I’m in love with the contrast on my black door and the textured look!