#9. Financially support a family raising money for an adoption.
This was one of those goals where I prayed for the Holy Spirit’s lead. I wasn’t sure what month I’d be able to complete it, but trusted that God would lead me to just the right couple when the time was right. So when Hannah mentioned her friends’ fundraiser in a blogpost, I couldn’t hit that Paypal button fast enough! Jonathan and Amanda Teixeira are currently fundraising for the adoption of their second child – please consider helping them too!
#14. Send a care package to a college student.
I sent my sister, a college freshman, a little package of fun things: a book, hair ties, fun paper straws, drawings from the kids and candy. Of course, I was rushing to beat the mailman, so totally forgot to take a photo, but picture a preppy pink & blue themed package. I hope she likes it and more importantly, knows she is loved.
#20. Learn about a new saint.
I came across the name Blessed Margaret of Castello while reading the Incorruptible article in the latest Soul Gardening Journal. It only took a quick Google search to quickly become endeared to this sweet lady, the patron of the unwanted. A few great links, if you’d like to learn about her too:
+ Her Biography
+ The History of Little Margaret of Castello
+ A Novena for the Intercession of Little Margaret
#84. Buy new pajamas.
As someone who typically just wears old t-shirts and yoga pants to bed, I’ve really wanted a set of nice, “grown up” pajamas for the postpartum time after the baby is born. Imagine my surprise when I found a package in my mailbox with an early birthday present from my aunt with the exact pajamas I’ve been considering! I was so touched and can’t wait to wear them in December.

#19. Pray 5 novenas. (2/5 completed)
Saint Therese is one of my favorite saints (and my confirmation saint too!), so I prayed her novena as her feast day comes up on October 1. This novena is extra special because I joined countless others as we prayed for Rosie and her unborn baby.
#52: Watch 15 documentaries. (4/15 completed)
The Perfect Human Diet: Mark and I like to watch health docs as a way to jumpstart better eating when we’ve been slacking, but I’d pass on this one…we were falling asleep, hah!
Fearless (Netflix documentary series): I really like watching documentaries about things I know nothing about and bullriding is right up there on that list! The sport is so dangerous and crazy, but I can understand the fact that intense love can drive you to do something anyway (namely, running a marathon just for fun!).
#68: Grow Big White Farmhouse’s Instagram followers to 400+.
I lost a bit of social media steam this month. My numbers went from 254 to 356 (as of 9/29), which is a step in the right direction, but still slow going. I’m realizing that creating brand awareness on Instagram requires a lot of time: discovering interesting accounts, interacting with those accounts as well as the people who comment on our photos, liking liking liking…sometimes it’s all too much for this introvert. Trying to find the balance.