No.295: Our Extraordinary Ordinary Life // September 2019 Edition

6:30 AM – Grateful for a good night’s sleep. I normally wake up about an hour earlier, so I must have needed the rest!

7:30 AM – Grateful for thirty minutes and 1.75 miles walking on the treadmill.

8:30 AM – Grateful for breakfast with my little beggar. She sits at my side and hopes something will miraculously fall from my plate. Those eyes!

9:30 AM – Grateful for a read-aloud that has the kids calling, “One more chapter!” and a successful science experiment.

10:30 AM – Grateful to find a way to repurpose old, broken crayons. I went through our supplies while the kids made Japanese mandarin duck sculptures with Sculpey clay.

11:30 AM – Grateful for her enthusiasm as she practiced reading. We’re changing everything up again to try to get some reading momentum. I hope this works.

12:30 PM – Grateful for a moment to myself outside during our lunch hour.

1:30 PM – Grateful for plenty of clothes to wash and dry and fold.

2:30 PM – Grateful for the lesson that the smallest acts of kindness can mean so much. My oldest passed on his desk to TJ and secretly moved it into his closet to become a little Lego room. When he revealed what he’d done, TJ was so excited and hugged both the desk and his brother.
____ 3:30 PM _____ Oops, I must have missed this one!

4:30 PM – Grateful that Lucy is almost 100% back to normal, although that means she’s back to her crazy antics and sometimes naughty behavior too.

5:30 PM – Grateful for reducing food waste with Refrigerator Clean-Out Night. We fill the counter with all of the leftovers and little bits of food that need to be eaten up and the kids go to town creating whatever they want.

6:30 PM – Grateful for mild evenings to play outside. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.

7:30 PM – Grateful for bathtime to clean up sweaty heads and dirty feet.

8:30 PM – Grateful for a new book to crack open at the end of a good day.
No.282: Our Extraordinary Ordinary Life // August 2019 Edition
the last week of summer vacation

No.261: Our Extraordinary Ordinary Life // June 2019 Edition
- The weather was 76° and sunny, just the perfect early summer day!
- I drank my morning coffee outside in my new mug, a surprise from Mark. We took Lucy out after breakfast to burn off some energy and she got filthy quickly by digging in the flower beds (I swear she’s like a toddler – you turn your head for a second…). M turned on the hose and she was crazy with excitement, trying to drink the water and play tug-of-war. Crazy dog.
- We had Blue Mountain Mystery on repeat for P’s morning movie. It’s his current favorite, although Finding Nemo might be a close second. Both were bought on Second Spin for cheap.
- The second set of eggs on the porch fan hatched! We feel so lucky that we can watch new chicks hatch twice each spring.

P.S. Don’t forget to enter the blogiversary giveaway for a chance to win some of my favorite things! Winner will be chosen at 11:59PM EST on Sunday.
No.166: Our Extraordinary Ordinary Life // August 2018 Edition

No.141: Our Extraordinary Ordinary Life // June 2018 Edition
- When the kids woke up, I got to share the exciting news that our newest baby cousin was born last night! We oohed and ahhed over his picture and cannot wait to cuddle him.
- The weather was beautiful: 83° and partly sunny. We’re trying to keep our electric bill down, so the air conditioning was off and the windows were open. Having both a front and back porch seems to keep the house pretty cool for most of the day. I just love when the breeze sweeps through and the house smells fresh.
- The baby is soooo whiny. I don’t know if it’s teething or weaning or just the age, but it makes for a long day. Thankfully, he fell asleep in the Ergo in the morning and then took a cat nap in the stroller in the afternoon.
- I ran a 5K on the treadmill to check my progress and was pleasantly surprised at the results! Runkeeper says it was my second fastest 5K time ever.
- I made sourdough focaccia “pesto pizza” for dinner and I thought it was delicious. We also made a regular cheese and pepperoni for the kids who weren’t so impressed.
- Favorite summertime experience to date: watching fireflies at dusk.

No.119: Our Extraordinary Ordinary Life // May 2018 Edition

A monthly project featuring ten photos throughout the day that show a peek into our extraordinarily ordinary life.
Note: Today I took a more detailed look at our day and took way more than 10 pictures! I ended up narrowing it down to 15. A fun way to change things up.

No.110: Our Extraordinary Ordinary Life // April 2018 Edition
- I was awake at 6:00, but stayed in my warm bed for a good 15 minutes before officially starting the day. It was cold!
- The gutter cleaning guys were supposed to come tomorrow, but showed up bright and early today and caught me in a hot mess of an outfit: black leggings, brown socks, an oversized shirt and a navy blue sweater. My pride is officially gone.
- I took yesterday off from laundry (such a rebel), but made up for it with four loads today.
- I baked a loaf of honey wheat bread for lunch. We ate it with ham and white cheddar cheese. Simple and delicious.
- We spent three hours outside in the sunshine. The little kids dug in the dirt and the big kids learned how to make different types of knots. I paced the driveway, drank my afternoon cup of coffee and read my book.
- P took a morning and afternoon nap and his whiny “I want to be held always” mood changed drastically for the better. A miracle!

No.97: Our Extraordinary Ordinary Life // March 2018 Edition
I was awake way too early, my braining firing at all cylinders at 4:30AM. Mark was already up and working from home (a rare treat these days!), so I decided to get up with him so we could drink our coffee together by the fire. It lasted a whole five minutes before the baby woke up, hah! Oh well.
The day was dark and dreary, with rain all morning and hail in the early afternoon. For the first day of spring, it sure didn’t feel like it. I think the high was 37 degrees?! We got our school done before noon and made pepperoni pizza bombs for lunch. I even managed to take a power nap during quiet hour! The kids spent the rest of the afternoon drawing, reading and block-building and I caught up on chores. There really is nothing like slipping into clean sheets at the end of a long day.
My ten photos this month are dark and grainy, but a decent representation. It was definitely one of those days where you’re thankful for a warm house, cozy blankets and a good book.

No.86: Our Extraordinary Ordinary Life // February 2018 Edition
One of my 100 Little Things tasks this year was to complete a “Week in the Life” project like I did a few years ago. For whatever reason, that seems like a monumental task when combined with all of my other responsibilities, so I’m tweaking it into something new: a monthly Day in the Life. Ten photos throughout the day that show a peek into our extraordinarily ordinary life.
When I scribbled down this idea in my planner, I had no idea it would coincide with the most beautiful spring-like day in February: 75 degrees and sunny! We were about an hour into school when one of the kids asked, “Do you think we could have some recess and go outside?” How could I say no? We spent the rest of the morning riding bikes, swinging and playing basketball. After a fancy lunch of Ramen noodles and a salad for me, we had Quiet Hour while the baby napped (the big two and I read, the littler ones drew with Art for Kids). Then it was back outside! Add in a lot of laundry and a homemade blueberry pie and it was just the best day. The warm sun and fresh air were so good for all of us.