It was chilly again, but we’re setting our eyes on spring anyway! Lots of new experiences are headed our way. For one, I just started my first attempt at starting seeds under the grow light. I’ve been checking in daily, testing water levels, turning the container so each side gets light evenly, and saying “I have no idea what I’m doing!” a ton. There’s only so much reading you can do before you probably should just dive right in. I’m praying for at least moderate success, but we’ll see. The other big news is that we made final preparations for the 65 baby chicks that will be arriving by the end of the week. I’m excited and terrified at all the unknowns, but I figure common sense and quick searches on homestead blogs will keep us afloat in the weeks to come.
My 12-year-old wanted to make something special for dinner. After browsing the cookbooks and the refrigerator, he settled on stuffed peppers!
I’ve started collecting old Landmark Books from the 1950s. I’m trying to spend around $5-6 per book and have been pretty successful so far. (I’ve had good luck on Better World Books and ebay.) I wasn’t sure if the kids would find them at all interesting, but we’ve actually had some fun discussions while browsing through the Secret Service book. Lots of talk about fraudulent currency and then checking out the little details on dollar bills.
I love the shadow that the little orange tree makes at dinnertime.
Don’t you just love a book that has a map inside? I finished Better Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology on Friday night. I’ll have a better review at the end of the month, but it definitely had me questioning the idea of how much technology is too much. Where is the line where technology stops working for us and we become slaves to technology? Everyone will have a different answer for that, I’m sure, but it’s an interesting thought experiment. I’ve also been pondering this quote from the Epilogue: “The main three ingredients of technological liberation are a pinch of muscle, a sprinkle of wits, and a dash of willingness.” (p.228)
No photographic evidence, but I also…
+ made a decent dent in my green decluttering bin. I posted a ton of Sophie’s spring/summer clothes from last year, along with a few doll toys that she’s outgrown. They were snatched up on Trash Nothing in hours!
+ made a batch of granola. It was gone in two days.
+ will be forever grateful for the new trampoline the kids got for Christmas – thanks Mom & Dad! My four youngest will happily play out there for hours, even in the cold.
+ ordered a ThredUp Cleanout Kit as an alternative way to get rid of some of my reselling stock. I know that I won’t get nearly the amount that I would on Poshmark or ebay, but I’m ready to get these clothes out of my closet and move to a new entrepreneurial direction.
+ watched a turkey vulture sit pompously on the top of our basketball hoop. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an uglier bird.
+ dealt with water dripping from a recessed light in our basement. So random and puzzling! Thankfully, we know a guy who knows a guy (gotta love small towns!) who came out to help us figure out the problem. He ripped up a piece of the ceiling and found the leak and it seems to be a pretty easy fix. Ahh home ownership…there’s always something.
{Linking up with Rosie}