No.88: Five February Favorites (A Link-Up & A Giveaway!)

The post contains affiliate links.

So sorry for the technical glitches this morning!!

Welcome to the Five Favorites linkup!  Congratulations to Colleen, with January’s winning post: Five Favorites and Two More Things.  Be sure to check below for this month’s prize pack!  
These soft pretzel rolls are quickly becoming a weekend staple!  They have the perfect mix of crusty outside with soft, chewy inside.  Mark and I like to tuck in sharp cheddar cheese and ham while they’re still warm.  The kids prefer to dip pieces in cinnamon sugar.  Either way, they’re so delicious!
I’ve been in an exercise funk all winter, but the Nike Training Club app is finally changing that.  I downloaded it on my phone (it’s free!) and started a super easy, four week beginner plan.  I like that the app demonstrates each move and the lady’s voice is helpful and clear.  The beginner plan I’m doing includes a lot of stretching/mobility exercises, which has been great for my weird hip problems.  I also like that you can rate your workouts on difficulty and move workouts around based on your schedule.  I’m actually looking forward to exercising again – HUGE!

We’ve been kitchen table-less since we moved in last June.  It wasn’t really a deal-breaker – we just ate all of our meals in the dining room – but I missed the convenience and not having to hear five bickering kids fight over four stools at the counter.  I had my eye on this table from World Market but couldn’t justify the price.  I signed up to receive an email for any price updates and lo and behold, a few weeks later, the price went down 60%!!  So far, we’ve been impressed.  It’s sturdy, cleans easily and will hopefully put up with years of use.  
Homeschooling or not, if you love books and love a deal, you have to check out Amy’s Bookshelf!  She sells everything from picture books to homeschool curriculum and the prices are fair.  The buying process is simple and easy to understand and she has wonderful customer service.  I recently stayed up ridiculously late during one of her live book sales and came away with a dozen books for a little over $40.  Not thrift store prices, but close.  Such a steal.
He picked up this griddle on a whim a few weekends ago.  I was immediately resistant (did we really need another kitchen gadget/appliance?), but have since eaten my words – it’s amazing!  We’ve made pancakes, omelettes, Ugandan rolexes, even grilled cheese sandwiches!  I never would have purchased it myself, but it’s proven really handy, especially with a household of hungry kids.


A Peek into February’s Prize Pack

The giveaway items I’ve chosen are a mix of some of my favorite things: etsy finds, vintage pieces and little bits picked up from various stores.  All have been purchased by me and nothing has been sponsored.  This incentive is to thank you for visiting here and linking up your posts.  It’s my small way of showing you that your words are being heard!  I read every single entry and try to comment on or share a few (I wish I could do this for every one – not enough hours in the day!)  Here’s how it works: every time you link up a blog or Instagram post, you get an entry.  The linkup will be open until Sunday, March 4th and I’ll randomly pick a winner on March 5.
February’s prizes include:
1 // Essie nail polish in Ballet Slipper

2 // Felt bookmark from Love Maude
3 // Vintage mug 
4 // Floral Thank You cards
5 // Geranium Soap from Honest Roots Farm
I can’t wait to hear about what you’re loving this month!  Here’s what to do:
1. Write a blog post sharing about five of your favorite things.  You could also share a photo on Instagram too! (hashtag is #bwffivefavorites)  It can have a theme (ie: five of your favorite slow cooker recipes) or just a mishmash like I usually do.
2. Please link back to this post so your readers know where to find the Five Favorites hub (posts not mentioning “Five Favorites” or not linking back to this post will be subject to removal).
3. Not mandatory, but feel free to visit some of the other posts in the link-up!  Sharing and/or leaving a comment is even better.
4. Make sure to add a link to your specific post or Instagram picture, not just your blog address.
Thanks for linking up!

No.77: Five January Favorites (A Link-Up and a Giveaway!)

The post contains affiliate links.

Welcome to the Five Favorites linkup!  New for 2018 – I’m bringing back the monthly prize pack!  (See all the details below.)
Somehow last fall, I adopted a lot of poor eating habits.  Lots of grazing and eating random things at random times.  So when January 1st arrived, I set out to make some changes and the biggest one being my lunch.  I’ve been making this chicken salad and it’s delicious – and this is coming from someone who wasn’t sure she really liked chicken salad!  I like it open-faced on a piece of bread (even better if it’s homemade), but I’ve also eaten it with Ritz crackers or even just in a bowl by itself.  One batch lasts me almost the entire week.
Naomi’s blog is all about slow living, creativity and snail mail.  I subscribe to her newsletter and honestly, it’s one of the best ones I’ve read.  Her monthly e-mails include free envelope templates that she draws and designs (so gorgeous!) as well as helpful tips and fun links.  If one of your goals is to send more personal mail in 2018, this is well worth your time!
What does it say about me that I wanted this for Christmas? (#oldlady)  We have hardwood flooring throughout the first floor of the house and this dustbuster makes it so easy to clean up crumbs or dust bunnies.  No need to sweep or drag out the big vacuum!  Bonus: the kids actually fight to use it.
I’ve been intrigued by this concept for a few years now, but decided 2018 was the year to take the leap!  It will be the first full year in our new house, so lots of new memories to record.  We’re also in a sweet spot of parenting – at the end of five years, my oldest will be 16 and that just seems impossible!  I know I will appreciate the little ordinary moments recorded when I’m old and gray.
My parents got this fleece pullover for me for Christmas and I have lived in it all month!  So warm without being bulky.  I also like that it’s enough to wear underneath my puffer vest (I have something similar to this in black) for quick trips out.  My pullover is in Pewter because I’m boring, but Royal Plum is pretty too.
A Peek into January’s Prize Pack
The giveaway items I’ve chosen are a mix of some of my favorite things: etsy finds, vintage pieces and little bits picked up from various stores.  All have been purchased by me and nothing has been sponsored.  This incentive is to thank you for visiting here and linking up your posts.  It’s my small way of showing you that your words are being heard!  I read every single entry and try to comment on or share a few (I wish I could do this for every one – not enough hours in the day!)  Here’s how it works: every time you link up a blog or Instagram post, you get an entry.  The linkup will be open until Sunday, February 4th and I’ll randomly pick a winner on February 5.
January’s prizes include:
1 // Ear Warmer in Dove Grey
2 // Two Notecards from Currant Studio
3 // S’Mores Hot Cocoa
4 // $40 credit to try Home Chef (maybe for an at-home date night like we do?)
5 // Doily Coasters from Uncommon Handmade
I can’t wait to hear about what you’re loving this month!  Here’s what to do:
1. Write a blog post sharing about five of your favorite things.  You could also share a photo on Instagram too! (hashtag is #bwffivefavorites)  It can have a theme (ie: five of your favorite slow cooker recipes) or just a mishmash like I usually do.
2. Please link back to this post so your readers know where to find the Five Favorites hub (posts not mentioning “Five Favorites” or not linking back to this post will be subject to removal).
3. Not mandatory, but feel free to visit some of the other posts in the link-up!  Sharing and/or leaving a comment is even better.
4. Make sure to add a link to your specific post or Instagram picture, not just your blog address.
Thanks for linking up!

No.53: Five November Favorites

The post contains affiliate links.  

This could be alternatively titled: Why I’m Not Reading Anything Right Now.  I am obsessed!  I’ve been watching a couple of episodes after the kids go to bed and am currently in the middle of Season 3.  So far, I’ve added Australia, Portugal and rappelling off a mountain to my bucket list.  The country I’m okay never visiting? India. 

Have you heard of Gray Monroe?  You know how much I love supporting small businesses, especially when they are run by mamas.  This fall, I have been slowly creating a new fall wardrobe and have purchased two striped tops (the MacKenna and the Walker) and the Kendall dress from Gray Monroe.  I love them and wear them all the time!

What is it about fleece footie pajamas?  It’s finally cold enough for P to wear them to bed and he is just the cutest!  Unlike my other kids at this age, he is very tall and thin, which causes some problems dressing him.  I finally discovered footless pajamas (where have I been?!), which will help when he’s busting at the leg seams but too skinny for the next size up!

When cool weather comes around, my dutch oven comes out and gets major use!  We’ve been using it all the time, making dinners like White Chicken Lasagna Soup and Taco Spice Chili.  I really want to try to make a loaf of bread in it too!

We just returned from a week in Maine for Thanksgiving and I’m convinced that our color-coded duffle bags saved our sanity.  So easy to pack everyone’s clothes, shoes and toys.  (P doesn’t have his own yet, so I packed his stuff in our big tote bag, another favorite from L.L.Bean.)  My semi-crazy packing method this time: I let the laundry pile up (on purpose) and then had a mega laundry day.  After each load, I would fold and put directly into each person’s bag.  At the end, I checked to make sure there were enough outfits/undies/etc. but for the most part, I was done!


I’d love to hear about five of your favorite things too!  Link up your post below!


No.46: Five October Favorites

This post contains affiliate links.  Thanks for supporting the BWF!

Even though this type of praying with the Scriptures is an ancient practice, I am just discovering it!  This is one of the (many!) beautiful things about Catholicism – the faith is so rich and there is always something new to learn or discover.  Fr. Josh’s explanation on Youtube was simple and inspiring.  As a beginner, I wanted a bit of direction (vs. just randomly opening the Bible to random passages) so I’m using this kindness scripture plan.  I write out the verse in my notebook and then follow the lectio divina steps.  I’m really enjoying it! 

This dip was totally an impulse buy at the grocery store.  I can only eat a teeny part of the pico and a lot of guacamole at one time, but it’s SO good.  Mark, the two biggest boys and I finished an entire container in one sitting!

Like most people, we’re feeling some financial strain in our house right now.  Nothing drastic, but enough that I was starting to feel anxious and overwhelmed.  And then I stumbled on Kallah’s post, “A small miracle” and it was like God was talking through her right to me.  This part has stayed with me in the weeks since: “That’s the whole point of tithing, I think. It’s to give the Lord a chance to remind us that He is the one who gives and takes away; that everything we have is His anyway. It’s acknowledging that we do not control the outcomes of our lives no matter how great we are at planning for the future. It’s thanking Him for providing and an act of trust that He won’t stop.”

I just signed up for a free Snackable Photo Course (delivered to your inbox) from Shlutz Photo School.  I’m only a few “Snacks” through, but I’m really enjoying them.  Someday I really want to invest in learning how to shoot in manual, but these tips are helpful for now.

My mom surprised me with a little birthday shopping spree – best surprise ever!  I got this sweater in two different colors (heather and taupe) and they are so warm and comfy.  And with Virginia finally realizing it’s fall, I’ve finally gotten to wear them too!


I’d love to hear about five of your favorite things too!  Link up your post below!


No.35: Five September Favorites

This post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for supporting the BWF!

If you are interested in international cuisine, Global Table Adventures is the website for you.  We have been choosing recipes to make based on the countries in our African Studies and everything has been delicious!  This week, we are studying Mali and will be making Maasa, a type of gluten-free pancake doughnut.  Her directions are always simple and clear.  I also love how she sprinkles in a little geography and culture throughout each post.  Be sure to check out the Map Room as a cool way to browse her website too.

We had a handful of fall-like days here a few weeks ago and I excitedly looked at my closet to see what I had to wear.  Apparently, I must have been in a third-trimester decluttering hysteria last year because I have almost nothing!  Part of me is kicking myself for my craziness, but the other part is secretly excited to build a wardrobe from scratch.  It’s like a capsule wardrobe in reverse!  One of my first purchases was this tunic from Target’s new brand, A New Day.  It’s soft and non-clingy and will be perfect over leggings for school days at home.  

I have been running pretty consistently since July as well as dabbling in a little CrossFit and weight-training.  I started using these printable workout calendars to plan a month out at a time.  Four weeks seems to be the sweet spot for me!  I used to plan full 90-day training schedules and then get frustrated when school would begin again, Mark’s work would pick up, or we’d all get the flu.  My plan was ruined and I’d just quit.  Now I just look at the month ahead and tweak my plans to fit what’s going on.  I’ve been much more successful – no quitting yet!

“Life is made of seconds.  A modern visual diary.  Stitch the moments of your life into a single continuous chronological movie.”  I LOVE this app.  We’ve been recording seconds since the day we moved into the new house (over three months now!) and it is already one of my most prized possessions.  

While chatting with my hair dresser about future garden plans, she mentioned her latest find: the Garden Answer Youtube channel.  I quickly looked it up when I got home and I’m hooked now too!  Her garden tours are my favorite, giving me so many ideas for our land in the years to come.


I’d love to hear about five of your favorite things too!  Link up your post below!


No.23: Five August Favorites

This post contains affiliate links.  Thank you for supporting the BWF!

At the risk of sounding like total fat kids, Mark and I love food.  We aren’t “foodies” by any stretch, but we love sitting down to a good meal together.  There’s just something about dinner and good conversation…I don’t know, it’s our mutual love language.  When we moved to our new home two months ago, I wanted to find something special that we could do as a couple.  And randomly, I stumbled on Home Chef.  I know there are a ton of these dinner box subscriptions out there, but the price was right (with $30 off the first delivery, it ended up being less than $20 for 4 meals) and we tried it out, fully planning to cancel if we weren’t impressed.  GUYS.  Friday nights have become our favorite time in the entire week.  I have our delivery set to Friday, so our friendly Fed/Ex lady drops the box off in the afternoon.  We usually make pizza with the kids, watch a movie and then whisk them off to bed so we can cook together.  For whatever reason – maybe because we didn’t have to grocery shop or make the menu? – just following the instructions together is so fun.  And almost every single thing we’ve made has been delicious.  We have the “two meals for two” plan, so we’ll usually cook one to eat together on Friday night and then make the other to give Mark two lunches for work.  If our budget is extra tight one paycheck, we skip one week’s delivery and just spread the two meals out.  It’s a bit of a frivolous expense, but I can’t tell you how wonderful it’s been for my marriage.  (If you’re interested, you can use my referral link to get $30 off your first delivery too!)

I love this stuff.  Nuun is basically an electrolyte replenisher but without all the sugar and artificial coloring.  I use one tablet in a big glass of ice water after every run, along with a scoop of collagen peptides.  They are easy to transport, so we’ve also brought them for the boys after a hard soccer practice too.  My favorite flavor is Citrus Fruit, but they’re all really good.  

My favorite hymn.  I randomly had it stuck in my head one day and a quick YouTube search revealed a version by Audrey Assad.  She sings it so beautifully!

Since I started lifting weights, CrossFit has begun to pique my interest.  Who am I?!  I don’t recognize myself either, hah!  There are two documentary-type movies on Netflix about the CrossFit Games and I’ve watched them at least two or three times each.  (My favorite is Tia-Clair Toomey!)  I’ll never be in the shape these athletes are in, but it’s so amazing to see what the human body can do.  
I think I’ve mentioned how much I love Swagbucks on the blog before.  I’m always searching for something on the Internet anyway, so why not earn points and eventually get paid for it?  You can also earn points by completing surveys, shopping through their links or even watching videos.  I’ve been saving my points this summer and just cashed in for a $10 Amazon gift card.  I’ve got six birthdays and Christmas on the horizon, so every little bit helps!


What are five of your favorite things this month?  Comment with your five or write a post and leave the link in the comments.  I’ll officially be making this a monthly link-up starting next month.  I’m so excited to read your lists!

{five favorites} Easter Basket Ideas from Big White Farmhouse

I’ve just begun the search for the perfect items to put in the kids’ Easter baskets this year.  Through the years, I’ve become more and more picky about what makes the cut.  I like quality toys that won’t break days after arrival and items that foster creativity and get their imaginations going.  (And books.  And they get a little bit of candy too, of course.)  Are you the same way?  It has been a long time since I’ve participated in #5Faves, but I thought I’d jump back in today with five Easter basket ideas from our shop, Big White Farmhouse:  

Peg Doll Vehicle Sets // Sophia and TJ LOVE these wooden vehicles.  They are sturdy enough for little hands, but look just as sweet displayed on a nursery shelf.  We have a police car, firetruck, airplane, pink coupe and blue rover.

Wooden Rattles // SO cute for the littlest ones!  We have a wide variety of designs: bear, cat, heart, car, bunny and bird!
eco-dough and eco-crayons // Eco-dough is made with natural ingredients and colored using fruit and veggie extracts.  I like this big set because it’s easy to separate for many baskets.  The eco-crayons are made to look like sea rocks from the coast of Maine and are great for the one to two year old crowd.  
Treasure Hunter’s Kit // If you’re looking for less “stuff” but with a bigger impact, this kit may be perfect.  Everything you need for a treasure hunt is included in a beautiful wooden box.  Be sure to also check out the Fairy House Kit too.
Scatter Garden Kits // A unique idea for the child that values quality time.  I can imagine a themed basket with everything you need to create a garden together: one of our scatter garden kits (we have a butterfly habitat, songbird habitat, fragrant flowers or honeybee), a pair of gardening gloves and maybe some kid-sized tools.  (I’ve heard awesome things about this book too.)  So fun.

And a special bonus for you, my blogging friends:
Take 15% off anything in the shop with the coupon code BLOGFRIEND.  Good until Sunday, April 2, 2017.

Linking up with Bonnie!

{five favorites} #5Faves is Now Over at The Koala Mom!

Hey there, friends.
There have been a lot of changes happening (with big decisions to make) around here, both with my sweet little family and this Big White Farmhouse blog.  I’ve been praying earnestly for direction for months and getting crickets in return…or so I thought.  God definitely works in mysterious ways.  I’ll probably share some of my family’s news, but that’s a story for another day.  Today’s all about this blog.  

I have been writing in this space for almost five years now and it’s seen its share of ebb and flow.  For the past 18 months, I really revved up the frequency, posting at least three times a week.  Truth be told, I’ve loved it!  This blog has been a journal, a memory keeper and a safe place to grow into myself.  But I’m feeling the nudge to step back a bit.  I think I’ll still pop in, but won’t be holding myself to any schedule or plan.  I’m not sure if the Big White Farmhouse has run its course, but it’s definitely something I’m praying about.    

SO.  I’ve passed on the baton for the Five Favorites linkup.  It’s been a fun six months and I have met so many sweet ladies.  I am so, so thankful for the ones who have returned week after week!  Starting this week, the linkup will be hosted by Bonnie at The Koala Mom.  Be sure to hop on over and say hello!


{five favorites} Vol.20: Our Top Five Favorites for Backyard Bird Watching

Welcome to the Five Favorites linkup!
A reminder about a new twist I’m adding to the linkup this year: At the end of each month, I’ll be giving away a prize pack to one #5Faves participant!  Here’s how it works: every time you link up a blog post, it counts as one entry.  So if you link up a post every week, you’d get four entries.  I’ll keep track throughout the month and then randomly pick a winner on May 1.  

First, let’s congratulate Heather for winning March’s #5Faves Prize Pack!  

The winning post: Kiddie Book Club Vol.1

On to this week’s favorites:

Call me an old lady, but I love bird watching.  (I like puzzles too, so definitely pushing 80 over here.)  My love has even rubbed off on my kids!  Here are five of our favorite things we use around here:  

Homemade Milk Jug Bird Feeder // M made one in his co-op science class (using a method similar to this post) and we hung it from our front yard tree.  The smaller opening has attracted many little bitty birds, like finches and sparrows.  I think they find it safer than trying to fight with the larger birds.  

Acrylic Window Bird Feeder // We have this feeder hanging from one of our living room windows, which has been perfect for observing throughout the day.  In the past month alone, we probably have seen at least 15 different types of birds!  It’s been fun to watch how each interacts: the “scare-dy bird” who backs into the feeder before it eats, the big mourning doves who think they own the place and scare the others away, the little finches who come in pairs with one always on the lookout.  Always something interesting.  

Backyard Birdseed Mix // We use this birdseed mix and because of the variety of birds we’ve seen at the feeders, I would highly recommend it!  

Birds of North America Guide Book // We have this old one, but I have about five others on my wishlist!  Ours is simple enough for the kids to look through without being too overwhelming and we keep it handy in our living room book basket.   

Backyard Bird Identifier // If our bird book proves unhelpful, this website from National Geographic is really great to help figure out a bird’s species.  

*This post contains affiliate links – thank you so much for supporting the Big White Farmhouse!*


I’d love to hear about five of your favorite things too!

{five favorites} Vol.19: March’s #5Faves Prize Pack

Welcome to the Five Favorites linkup!

A reminder about a new twist I’m adding to the linkup this year: At the end of each month, I’ll be giving away a prize pack to one #5Faves participant!  Here’s how it works: every time you link up a blog post, it counts as one entry.  So if you link up a post every week, you’d get four entries.  I’ll keep track throughout the month and then randomly pick a winner on April 2.  

Since today is the last Five Favorites linkup of the month, I’m sharing the five items in March’s Prize Pack!  A few notes for any newcomers:  I wanted to start the Prize Pack incentive as a way to thank you for visiting here and linking up your posts.  It’s my small way of showing you that your words are being heard!  I read every single entry and try to comment on or share a few (I wish I could do this for every one – not enough hours in the day!)  

The giveaway items I’ve chosen are a mix of some of my favorite things: etsy finds, vintage pieces and little bits picked up from various stores.  All have been purchased by me and nothing has been sponsored.  Here’s what I have for one lucky winner in March: 

1 // Wool Dryer Balls from We Keep It Real (with essential oils samples from me!)

P.S. Raeleen is offering my readers free shipping on all wool dryer ball sets with the coupon code: THEBIGWHITEFARMHOUSE

2 // Self-Watering Parsley Garden Kit from Modern Sprout

3 // Frog and Toad Collection Set

4 // Watercolor Thank You Cards

5 // Green Cupcake Liners from My Little Otter


I’d love to hear above five of your favorite things too!