Our family habit for September is kindness. We’ve been dealing with uncharitable behavior between siblings and it’s starting to take its toll. So a good lesson in being thoughtful, helpful, and forgiving (when we’d rather just be angry) is on the docket! I’d like to say this is only for the kids, but I know I could use a refresher course as well. My spin on this habit is forcing myself to look out. This season of my life is so full and it’s easy to keep my head down and dig deep into my own crazy. But I know I’ve been called to more. I’ll be praying for the Holy Spirit’s guidance to seek the people in my life who may need help, encouragement or love.
- Habit of the Month: KINDNESS
- mail three letters
- send a little care package to my sister in college
- invite someone to Sunday dinner
- leave an actual comment on at least 1/3 of the blog posts I read
- finish Anne of Green Gables & start Anne of Avonlea
- finish The Way
- close out Big White Farmhouse bank account
- finalize shutting down Big White Farmhouse’s website
- decide on topic for #write31days in October (any ideas welcome!)
- wrap TJ’s birthday gifts
- schedule S & TJ well check appointments
- decide on paint color for house shutters
- research how to re-do front flower beds
- buy one piece of clothing for my fall capsule wardrobe
- clean my makeup brushes (100LT #44)
- sign up for the Turkey Trot 10K in November
- find my Garmin running watch
- keep up with homeschooling Instagram account (one photo every school day)
- finish reading Mouse and the Motorcycle aloud to J and watch the movie together
- pull out Sophie’s princess cross-stitch and do a few stitches
- make a list of clothing needs for the entire family
more green smoothies with collagen peptides(drinking them in my post-workout water with Nuun instead)no cell phone scrolling right before bed!(not perfect, but getting better about this)- make three more recipes from my new cookbook
- bake bread in the dutch oven (100LT #51)
- be able to barbell squat 70lb. (hurt my hip flexor, so stopped these exercises for now – I’m bummed)
choose a dress/outfit to wear for the blogging conferencereorganize the garage(garage gym is all set up)buy last few school suppliesstart new Instagram account for our homeschool(here if you want to follow along!)celebrate the beginning of school by going out for ice creamtake out all of the kids’ fall/winter clothes and see what needs to be purchased- make a list of clothing needs for the entire family
think about a fall capsule wardrobe(this turned out to be more like a wardrobe starter set…I have almost nothing!)start reading Anne of Green Gables (part of 100LT #3)- read two chapters in my Jackson Pollock book
- continue Operation Catechism catch-up
decide on big gifts for S and TJ’s birthdays and add amount into budget- pull out Sophie’s princess cross-stitch and do a few stitches
make root beer floats (100LT #97)- finish reading Mouse and the Motorcycle aloud to J and watch the movie together
finish kids’ chore charts and start new allowance system(started two weeks ago and working great!)- sign up for cards at our new library
- hang master curtains and artwork (I finally had Mark ready to help me and the electric drill died!)
What about you? What’s on your to-do list for the next few weeks?