July 8, 2024
If you didn’t think I was an odd duck before, this will probably convince you: I like to read the local obituaries...
intentional living, little by little
July 8, 2024
If you didn’t think I was an odd duck before, this will probably convince you: I like to read the local obituaries...
August 12, 2024
A theme I keep coming back to in 2024 is the idea that despite what society tells us, we are not machines. Have you ever noticed the language we’ve adopted that is completely technology/machine-focused?
June 17, 2024
Lately, I’ve been thinking about the concept of enemies. I’ve been reading the current news stories about skirmishes and wars around the world. I’ve also been reading about past conflicts in history and the lasting repercussions of war on a person’s psyche...
April 15, 2024
Guys. There’s a name for my piles of unread books! It’s an anti-library!
January 15, 2024
I recently fell down a Youtube rabbit hole where multiple, seemingly unrelated videos expressed their difficulties with life outside of technology... I watched these videos with such a sadness in my heart. What is happening to us as a society?
January will be about…
Happy New Year, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are entering 2013 energized. I’ve missed this blog so much and I’m so happy to be back!
As much as I’d like to smile and tell you that life has been perfect around here…well, I’d be lying. Adjusting to life with four children has been very different than I expected. I was prepared for the sleepless nights, the extra laundry and even the colic. It was all the rest that threw me for a big loop.
For awhile, I struggled with the idea that I was just a big, huge failure. My house was full of clutter. I was doing the bare minimum with homeschooling (certainly no extra fun stuff!). I was behind on chores. I wasn’t losing any weight and my clothes were all too tight. My kids were watching too much TV. We ate out way too much.
To summarize: handling a newborn was a piece of cake. Juggling everything else? Failure with a capital F.
I’m almost embarrassed to admit that it took about three months for me to learn to give myself some grace. Instead of constantly beating myself up for being inadequate, I ‘ve started to celebrate the small victories of every day. It really was a Christmas miracle, since I’m definitely my own worst critic! And while I’m still nowhere near “Super Mom” status, I feel like I’m back on track. I feel like I’m closer to being the kind of mom I know I can be.
This time in my life has taught me a valuable lesson: if you really want something, you have to work for it. This can be for everything from making dinner, to desiring an organized home, to starting a new business. You have to prioritize the time, money and resources. You have to commit. Instead of living in a cloud of “somedays” and “maybes”, you have to dig deep and follow through.
That’s what I want for 2013: to live an intentional life. I want to be intentional with my family, my home and my dreams. I plan on using this space here on the Big White Farmhouse to document this new adventure. I hope you’ll come along!
Here’s to a new year of being more of who God created us to be.
1. Be okay with simple. I have a newborn in the house this year, so all of my lofty baking and crafting plans just may not happen. And that’s okay. My hope is to try ONE new recipe and ONE crafty project with the boys. Anything more is just icing on the cake.
2. Quality is more important than quantity. The kids don’t need gobs of new toys, regardless of the pressure from outside sources. A few thoughtfully planned gifts are more than enough.
3. Corny and cliche, but true: Remember the reason for the season. I want to make an effort this year to keep my eyes on the bigger picture, instead of getting bogged down on the details.
In order to fully experience this beautiful season, I’m taking a blogging break throughout December. I want to be fully present to my little family! But be sure to check back here at the Big White Farmhouse in January…I’ve got big plans for this space!
Wishing you and yours a blessed Advent season! xo
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